Friday, February 26, 2010
In your reading of the novel, what is one major theme that stood out to you? What examples from the text serve as evidence of this theme? Why?
English Work--Snow Day
Hi 5th Floor!
Hope you're enjoying the snow day. I wanted to get in touch with you about work for English class, particularly the changes that have resulted because of the snow day. This will also be posted on the blog. Note that most of the triplet work remains the same.
Triplet Work For Next Week:
Monday, 3/1
- Finish Curious Incident and Final Blog Post
- Curiosity Essay First Draft Due
Tuesday, 3/2
- Curious Incident In-Class Essay Test
Thursday, 3/4
- A Midsummer Night's Paragraph
7th Grade Writing:
Wednesday, 3/3
- Wordly Wise 7 Quiz
Friday, 3/5
- Wordly Wise 8 Exercises
8th Grade Writing:
Wednesday, 3/3
- Wordly Wise 8 Exercises
- Short Story First Draft Due
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Curious Incident...Essay Test and Project
Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Test and Project
As part of your final project work on The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, there will be an in-class essay to be completed on Tuesday, 3/2. For this test, you will have the entire class to complete an essay about the book. You will be able to use the book as a reference, but it is recommended that you use post-its to mark important passages beforehand. You will be given the choice between two questions, answering one of them in detail. This essay should include:
- A clear and detailed thesis
- 3-4 supporting details
- Analysis of each supporting detail
- 1-2 direct quotes
- a clear conclusion, wrapping up the major ideas presented in the essay
The second part of your final project will be a creative piece. This will be due on Tuesday, 3/9. Choose from one of the following projects:
- Create an original piece of art entitled “Who is Christopher Boone?” It can be a collage, painting, sculpture, series of photographs, etc. This piece will be evaluated on its level of detail, creativity, care in execution and explanation. In addition to creating this piece of art, you must provide a 2-paragraph explanation and rationale for your piece. What was your inspiration in creating this piece? How did you come up with the idea and put it together? What are the important components of the piece
- Create an original piece of writing (inspired by the in-class freewrite) about the idea of Christopher tackling a new place. In your freewrite you focused on Christopher dealing with an everyday activity—going to Times Square, using the subway. Write a creative piece from the perspective of Christopher engaging in an activity that to you is something you do without thinking. 2-3 pages typed and double-spaced.
- Create an original piece of writing (inspired by the in-class freewrite) where you are an outsider interacting with Christopher. What might this outsider notice? How does Christopher interact and respond? How does this interaction make your narrator feel? What is confusing to them about Christopher? 2-3 pages typed and double-spaced.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Homework for Week of 3/1
- Finish Curious Incident and Final Blog Post
- Curiosity Essay Draft
Tuesday, 3/2
- Curious Incident In-Class Essay Test
Thursday, 3/4
- A Midsummer Night's Paragraph
- Finish Christopher Character Posters
8th Grade
Monday, 3/1
- Wordly Wise 8 Exercises
Friday, 3/5
- Short Story 1st Drafts
7th Grade
Wednesday, 3/3
- Wordly Wise 7 Quiz
Friday, 3/5
- Wordly Wise 8 Exercises
The English Portfolio - Part 2
The English Portfolio
It's time to start thinking more about the end-of-year portfolio. Remember that your portfolio has to include 4 pieces total.
For you analytical pieces, you can choose from the following:
- Short Story Essay
- Curiosity Essay
- MLK Speech (8th Grade)
- Upcoming Essay on Love in "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
For you creative piece you can choose from the following:
- Memoir
- Upcoming "Curious Incident..." Creative Piece
- Short Story (8th Grade)
- Autobiography Chapter (7th Grade)
By Thursday, March 11th, you need to tell me, in writing, what you plan to submit for one of your analytical pieces and for your creative piece.
Remember that your Final Portfolio will make up a significant part of your final English Grade!!
As part of English class this year, you will create an end-of-year portfolio. This portfolio will consist of four pieces of writing you complete over the course of the year, pieces you consider your best, most polished work. Each portfolio will include the following:
• 2 Analytical Pieces (Literature Essays, MLK Speeches, Persuasive Essay, Etc)
• 1 Creative Piece (Monologue, Memoir, Short Story)
• 1 Writing Piece of Your Choice
Be sure to hold on to all final, graded written work this year. You will revise four of those final pieces so that they represent your best work. In the winter, you will begin to make choices as to which four pieces you will include in your portfolio. At the end of the year, on our last day of triplets, students will hand in and read excerpts from their final portfolios to celebrate all of accomplished writing you completed this year!
Friday, February 12, 2010
In Chapter 199, Christopher continues his explanation as to why he thinks people believe in God. He also discusses the origins of life, saying that "there is life on earth because of an accident." What makes Christopher so certain about this? Does it go against his need for pattern and structure? Why or why not?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Homework for Week of 2/22
Monday, 2/22
- Bring Independent Reading Book to Class
Tuesday, 2/23
- "Curious..." pp 140-177 and Blog Post
Wednesday, 2/24
- Independent Reading Books 3 & 4
Thursday, 2/25
- "Curious..." 177-200
Friday, 2/26
- Curiosity Essay Draft #1
7th Grade Writing
Wednesday, 2/24
- Family Chapter Rewrite
Friday, 2/26
- Wordly Wise 7 Quiz
8th Grade Writing
Monday, 2/22
- Wordly Wise 7 Quiz
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
In chapter 163, Christopher states that "people's brains are like computers." What evidence does he use to support this idea? How does this notion connect to what we know about Christopher? Do you agree with him? Why or why not?
Work and Schedule Changes Due to Snow Day
Since school will be closed on Wednesday, 2/10, in anticipation of a major snowstorm, the following changes are in effect in English Class.
7th Grade Writing
Wordly Wise 8 Quiz and Free Choice Chapter 1 are now due on Friday, 2/12
8th Grade Writing
Wordly Wise 8 Quiz will take place on Monday, 2/22
****Note that all work originally scheduled for Thursday 2/11 (Reading, Blog, Quiz, Paper Proposal) is still due as planned****
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Homework for Week of 2/9
Tuesday, 2/9
- Bring Independent Reading Book to Class
Thursday, 2/11
- Curious Incident... pp 100-140
- Blog Post
- Quiz
8th Grade Writing
Wednesday, 2/10
- Wordly Wise 7 Quiz
7th Grade Writing
Wednesday, 2/10
- Wordly Wise 7 Quiz
- Free Choice Chapter #1 Due
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