Monday, February 28, 2011

"Color of Water" Blog Post #1

There are a number of significant symbols in the first two chapters of The Color of Water. Choose one symbol that you see as especially significant. What is it? What does it symbolize about James, his mother or their families? Use specific examples and/or quotes to support your thinking.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Homework for Week of 2/28


Tuesday, 3/1
- Independent Reading Review #2 Due
- Read Chapters 1-2 in The Color of Water and answer blog post

Thursday, 3/3
- Read Chapters 3-4 in The Color of Water

7th Grade Writing
Wednesday, 3/2
- Family Chapter Rewrite Due (include first draft with my comments with the new draft)

Friday, 3/4
- Wordly Wise 7 Exercises

8th Grade Writing
Wednesday, 3/2
- Complicated Character Story Draft: Create an original short story at least 4 pages long focusing on a main character wrestling with a major contradiction within himself/herself. Focus also on a strong a surprising plot and vivid, detailed description.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Heracles Essay

Heracles Essay

The ancient Greeks saw Heracles as a model hero. He completed his labors and was ultimately the savior of both humankind and the gods. Because of his cunning and strength, he was admired and loved. But would he be considered a hero by today’s definition? Is heroism ultimately viewed in the same way over time and culture or does the definition change?

Your assignment is to answer the following questions: Would Heracles still be considered a hero today? Why or why not? What does it mean to be a hero today versus in ancient Greece? In examining the notion of heroism then and now, include an example of a modern-day hero, explaining why she/he is a hero and comparing that hero (and her/his heroic qualities) with Heracles.

Your essay should be about 3 pages long, typed and in MLA format. Like the Outsider Essay you completed in the fall, this is considered a formal essay, so be sure to use clear, sophisticated language and avoid the use of personal pronouns. Also, your thesis statement needs to be both thoughtful and clearly presented in the opening paragraph. In addition, like the Outsider Essay, this piece should include 3 direct quotes (from the Heracles packets and/or other reading about your modern-day hero). Please let me know ahead of the due date if you have any questions!

First Draft Due: Friday, February 18th

Homework for Week of 2/14


Tuesday, 2/15
- Heracles Pink Brainstorm Sheet

Thursday, 2/17
- Heracles Quiz
- Bring Independent Reading Book to Class!

Friday, 2/18
- Heracles Essay Due

Tuesday, 3/1
- Independent Reading Review #2

7th Grade Writing
Tuesday, 2/15
- Free Choice Chapter #1

8th Grade Writing
Wednesday, 2/16
- Wordly Wise 7 Exercises

Monday, February 7, 2011

"The Story of Admetus" Blog

What does Heracles' relationship with Admetus reveal about his character? What larger ideas is it presenting about what it meant to be a hero in ancient Greece?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Homework for Week of 2/7


Monday, 2/7
- Read "The Beginning of the Labors"
- Quiz Corrections (mandatory for anyone with a 70% or lower)

Tuesday, 2/8
- Read "The Story of Ademetus" and Complete Blog Post

Thursday, 2/10
- Greek God Day!

Monday, 2/14
- Formal Notes for all 4 chapters in the Labors of Heracles Packet

7th Grade Writing

Wednesday, 2/9
- Wordly Wise 6/Parts of Speech Double Quiz

Tuesday, 2/15
- Free Choice Chapter #1 (New Due Date!)

8th Grade Writing

Monday, 2/7
- Wordly Wise 6 Quiz

Wednesday, 2/9
- Finish "Good Country People" and Answer Questions 1 & 3 and Writing Topics Question 2