Thursday, April 28, 2011

Farm Week Work

7th and 8th Grade
During the farm week, please complete the following work:

"Romeo and Juliet"
- Finish Act II and read Act III, scenes i-ii
- Character/Event Chart for II.v and III.i
Due Monday, 5/9

Final Independent Reading Book and Review
Due for 8th Grade Wednesday, 5/11 and for 7th Grade Monday, 5/16

7th Grade
On Wednesday 5/4 and Friday 5/6, you will have class in the Computer Lab with Alex and Paul. You must have an electronic copy of chapters that you want to revise either in your email or on a flash drive. Those classes will be devoted only to autobiography revision, so please come to class prepared.

8th Grade
Don't forget, your final, beautifully revised short stories are due on Monday 5/9

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Revised Autobiography Schedule!

Revised Autobiography Schedule

Wednesday, April 27
- Revised Lesson Learned

Monday, May 2
- Revised Chapters 6 &7
- Six-Word Memoir

Friday, May 6
- Revised of Who Am I?

Monday, May 11
- Revised Six-Word Memoir
- Chapter 9: 20 Years From Now

Note: No Autobiography Chapters Will be Accepted After Wednesday, May 13

Friday, April 15, 2011

Homework for After the Break

Hi 7th & 8th Grade!

While you don't have any work due the day you return from break, there will be work due later in that week.

Thursday, 4/28
- "Romeo & Juliet" Finish Act 1 and Read Act 2, Prologue, Scenes 1-2
- Character/Event Charts for the following scenes: I.ii, I.iii, I.v, II.ii

7th Writing
Wednesday, 4/27
- Lesson Learned Revised

Friday, 4/29
- Wordly Wise 9 Quiz

8th Writing
Thursday, 4/29
- Wordly Wise 10 Exercises (A-D)

Monday, 5/9
- Final, Beautifully Revised Short Story

Monday, April 11, 2011

Homework for Week of 4/11

Thursday, 4/14
- "Romeo & Juliet" Act 1, Scene 1
- Character/Event Chart
- Shakespearean Insult Sheet

7th Writing
Wednesday, 4/13
- "Who Am I?" Chapter
- Workshop: Stef, Mikah, Sophie

Friday, 4/15
- Rewrites of "Free Choice #1" and "A Day in the Life"

8th Writing
Thursday, 4/14
- Wordly Wise 9 Quiz

Monday, April 4, 2011

"Color of Water" Final Blog Post

In what ways have Ruth and James changed over the course of the book? What change is most significant for each of them and why?