In Chapter 21, we learn the jury's verdict in Tom Robinson's case. What was the verdict? Using the text, and the information we know about Maycomb, why do you think the jury decided as they did?
The verdict was that Tom Robinson was found guilty. You can see throughout the trial Atticus influences some whites that people of color are equal. Others are single minded and still believe that people of color arent equal. This influences the verdict.
Even though the verdict was guilty Miss Maudie said "its just a baby step but its a step." She is referring to how the town has changed in some way. As Maycomb's true color's started to show throughout the trial, I feel that a level of the town's maturity has changed and the town's knowledge has be enhanced.
The concept of adulthood and childhood face Scout, Jem and Dill. They realize that the unjustifce is a way of justifying what is right and wrong.
Even though it did not turn out as planned, the message of equality and good/evil came across to the town of Maycomb.
The verdict, as predicted, was that Tom Robinson was found guilty. How could this be possible, with almost all evidence pointing against it? It is possible because all of the evidence provided by Tom Robinson was considered false and the evidence provided by Bob Ewell was taken as true. This is because of the rasiscm of the town and the jury. A famous quote states: " We were taught that the beast black man was worse than the worst white man." So no matter how good and honest Tom Robinson is, nobody would believe him against the Ewells. This might have been different if Mayella had told the truth about who had raped her, but because she lied Tom Roninson is in grave danger. I dissagree and agree with Tyra that the town has changed. Most of th e town knows the truth about the case, and they are beginnig to realize just how rascist they are. However, I dissagree on the point that Maycomb has changed. Maycob won't just change, it needs somebody to come and change it, which is what Atticus wanted in the case. Atticus might feel like a failure, be he suceeded in letting his children the beginning of the truth, so he hasn't completley failed. LIke he said before, he was licked before he started. No matter what he said, the jury would find Tom Robinson guilty. So in a way all that Atticus could hope for is that his voice would be heard. Everyone in that courtroom heard his voice, no matter whether they believed in it or not. YAY ATTICUS!!!!!!!!!
Just replying to what sophie said: Atticus wasnt the only one willing to change. Scout Jem and Dill along with Mr. Dolphus Raymond who believes that blacks are just as important as whites. I think the jury understands that there should be equality but isnt ready for it. They dont want to believe in change. Yes Atticus was the start but there were also many he influenced.
The verdict of this trial was that Tom Robinson was found guilty. However, it was never proven that he was in fact guilty. I believe that Mayella was lying during the trial and yet she was believed by the jury only because of her color. No matter who was lying or telling the truth, the only thing that mattered to the jury was they could never trust a colored man. And since Tom Robinson was colored, he was automatically found guilty…no matter what he says; his words fell on deaf ears.
The verdict was that Tom robinson is guilty. I agree with Tyra when she says that Atticus influences white people that colored people are equal. When the jury comes in the courtroom they say that the jury could not look at Tom. I think that they were to ashame to look at Tom because they know he is not guilty. But they are scared.
I think the jury decided because they were scared they feared for there saftey, because if they convict a white man of rape against a black man their family and themselves could be indangered. In Maycomb most whites did not like black people or didn't like black people thinking they were higer than whites so this may have been why the jury chosed their verdict.
The verdict of the jury was that Mr. Robinson was guilty. I think Atticus made a big impression on the jury but it was not enough to overcome the racial issues of the town. The jury decided based on what their ancestors and their ancestor's ancestors did long before them, not based on what was fair and beneficial to Maycomb and the changing world around them. It shows how deep the racial veins ran in Maycomb. But, yesterday, America chose a black man to be the president, so it shows that those racial veins have been slowly drying up.
I agree with Tyra and Miss Maudie, even though atticus did not win the case, it was still a baby step for the town. Many people were shaken awake just in time to see that times were going to change, and Maycomb needed to change with them. I feel bad for Tom and his wife and three children, because they, unknowingly, had to sacrifice Tom to feed the changing ways of Maycomb.
The jury said that Tom was guilty of raping Mayella Ewell. Most of the people in the audience already predicted that Tom was not going to get out of this mess. I think that the jury decided this because the jury was mostly white people and, as Tyra said, some of them probably still thought that black people weren't equal to white people. even though some of the white people did think that Tom was not guilty, I think that they were scared to say anything because of what the other white people might say and think about them.
Tom Robinson is found guilty. It is possible to predict this verdict from reading chapter 20. You see Mr. Gilmer constantly looking at the jury and making Tom feel self-conscious and uncomfortable in court. When Tom hesitates, everyone in the court room thinks that he is just thinking of an answer on the spot. It seems that in towns like Maycomb in the 1930's, people of color feel that when they are in court, everyone else in the court room is white. This makes the person of color feel very alone and scared.
The verdict, Tom Robinson was found guilty. It was perplexing and unhumane that Robinson was found guilty. Atticus had done such a good job one thaat case and he had pretty much proven that Bob Ewel beat her own child for money. This shows the jury should be modified into a more honest enviorment, not filled with steriotipic thinking people. It is a shame that Ewel got away with this case just becuase he is white. These are reasons that the jury should have thought 1. If he beated his daughter why should he be rewarded? 2. He is drunk and will do anything for money. 3. If Tom isn't guilty he will be lynched.Didn't read ahead. We studied this in 6th grade.)4. Tom only has one hand he can control and with only one Mallela could have protected her self becuase she is strong. ( This case clearly showes Maycomb could have many accusations and they would all be slanders and the person who is not actually guilty could get marked it just because of his color.
the verdict was that tom robinson was found guilty. even though he was telling the truth, and as Jem says "we've won it" they didn't win though. they should have won but it was a black man vs. an all white jury, in a racist time. anyone could have let something slip and Mayella still would have won.
I agree with what everyone has to say about the verdict. Tom Robinson was announced guilty, which he shouldn't of because they have no real evidence that he raped her. It's vice versa with Mayella's and Tom's side because no one was there to witness what actually happened. Bob Ewell was there but can you actually trust him, after all he's a threat to his kids when he's drunk. There could've been a possibility he was and he beat her and then he framed Tom for it. I think the jury decided Tom to be guilty because he's an African American and they think its a better chance for a man like him to have that mind to rape a 19 year old than a white woman would do to a African American. And they probably made him guilty because they didn't want a African American to win for the first time. The town of Maycomb isn't ready for change and equality. It's as if racism is the only answer for this.
The verdict of the Tom Robinson case was that he was found guilty. I think the jury made this decision because, despite the effort of Atticus and others, the town of Maycomb is still deeply racist.
I agree with Sophie and others that the verdict was predictable because, even though the Ewells are low class and looked down upon, they are still white and therefore they are still seen as higher than a black person.
The verdict really shows, how the jury was given so much evidence but they still found Tom guilty, and that Maycomb HASN'T changed. Some people might find the inequality between black and white people unfair, but very few people, like Atticus, are willing change that.
Tom Robinson was found guilty by the jury. The jury made this discision blindly off racism. Even with mound of evidence not going toward Tom raping her and Bob ewell actually being guilty racism prevails and nothing is done. Nothing is changed and history remains the same. The reason the jury found Tom guilty was because it was not right. A white woman in love with a black man? Unthinkable! not even right.
This is because a black man working for free to a white person is not right. A white woman in love with a black man is not right. Even a black man having substantial evidence against a white woman cannot be true. These things havn't changed in maycomb.
i think he jury decided this way becuase he was black and I think if it was Tom Robbinson was a white man then he would have definently won because you could see that Bob Ewell was lying
In chapter 21, Atticus find out that Scout, Jem, and Dill are at the trial. Atticus tells them, to go home and eat dinner. When the children return home from dinner, the jury is still outside discussing what Tom Robinson's fait is going to be. When the jury finally comes back in, the verdict is guilty. Everyone near to Scout is annoyed and disbelieving.
In the town of Maycomb, it was very unlikely that Tom Robinson was going to win the case, not because he was actually guilty, but because Maycomb is a community with "white privilege". In this book, the term "white privilege" means that anyone who is white has the power over any black person, not matter how rich, poor, famous, or hated a white person is. Even though the Ewells are not very popular and live in the dumpy outskirts of Maycomb, they are white and get priority over Tom Robinson.
Another reason that Tom Robinson didn't win was because of the fear of change. All the white and black citizens in Maycomb, knew that no matter how innocent Tom was, he would have to be considered guilty. This is because a white jury wouldn't have been able to call a black man innocent. This would have inflicted too much change on Maycomb and its racial boundaries.
The verdict was that Tom was found guilty. Atticus tries really hard to prove that Tom is inocent and that all should be equal. He was probably inocent because it seemed like Mayalla was lying due to the fact that she would look at Bob Ewell (her father), who would sit up and make a face that told her to lie or he will beat her like there was no tomorow. It also seemed like Atticus had more than enough evidence to prove that Tom Robinson was inocent but because the jury was racist against blacks, he was proven guilty.
In the end Tom Robinson was found as guilty by the jury. I think a big factor in coming to this decision was race. I agree with Tyra that in part the jury only supported the Ewell's because they are white and Tom Robinson is black. I think that Emma made an intersting point that Tom Robinson's words were not even heard by the jury because he was black. I also think that the jury were probably trying to keep their name in the town white. I think that the outcome of the trial was what everyone guessed would happen, I think that Jem and Scout were just thinking wishfully. However I think that people that were friends of Tom Robinson who came(like the reverend) came to witness the trialout of respect for Tom.I think they were more paying him respect by being there when he was sentenced to death than to find out the verdict. I think most people already knew the way the events of the trial would unfold.
The verdict was that Tom Robinson was guilty. I think the jury decided this because African Americans aren't treated as equally as white people. If one of the jurers found him innocent they would be hated because of that but if they all find him guilty it would not cause an outrage. Even though it might change the people treat them it will still be bad. I thinkthat Tom Robinson was innocent and Mr.Ewell beat up Mayella.
I agree with everyone, no matter what the people said or did the judge would never say that Tom was innocent. The verdict was that Tom Robinson was guilty. There really wasn't any hardcore evidence that Tm raped her.
The verdict of the trial was that Tom Robinson was guilty. With all the evidence Atticus brought up, it seems unreal that it could be true. But i believe the verdict of this trial explains Maycomb. Maycomb is not place for change. It is not a place that will go against what the history has been. Maycomb will not let a black man be equal to the white man. Tom Robinson, even with the help of Atticus, would never be able to win a trial over a white person even with good evidence. I believe that the people of Maycomb are open to some change but Maycomb doesn't have a leader to persuade the community into changing there town. It seems that it is a place where people would also feel self conscious if they were to stand out in the town, which goes back to the people in Maycomb and how they judge others. But to some everything up I would say Maycomb is a very unlikely place that change would happen.
As everyone has already mentioned, Tom Robinson was found guilty. The town of Macomb is scared of change, and they wont accept that a black man is correct, and that the white opponent, Mr. Ewell is guilty. They wont accept that black and white are equal, and it is just as likely that a white man will commit a crime, that a black man will commit it. In this case it was the white man, but that is irrelevant. What mattered is that Atticus's client was black, and that just because of that the jury probably already came to face the case with a prejudiced opinion. It didn't matter that all the evidence pointed to Bob and Mayella being guilty, it didn't matter that there were huge holes in Mayella's story. All that mattered was Toms skin color. That little physical made the trial set in stone. Probably if this trial had happened in this time period, then real justice would have been done, yesterday proved that, i mean, after all didn't we just elect the 43rd president of the United States of America? And isn't he an African American? Weren't African Americans slaves a couple of centuries ago? That single fact proves that change is possible, anywhere in the world, you just need people like Atticus, and Marthen Luther King, and Ghandi, with strong ideas/belifs of equality, and non racial views.
As predicted, Tom Robinson was found guilty for a crime he did not commit. Throughout the trial, Atticus brought up valid points and made many excellent observations. Atticus made it clear that Mayella’s story and Mr. Ewell’s story did not match up, even before Tom Robinson testified. It was just too hard for the jury to believe that a black man would do something for a white lady out of sheer goodness and not ask for anything in return. I ask myself, why was Tom found guilty in a case that was so obviously wrong? Why, because in 1935, “Jim Crow” laws were in full swing and not in a million years was a segregated town going to take the word of a black man over a white women and her white father. The color of one man’s skin blinded the jury from seeing the truth. Because Tom Robinson was black the jury did not give him a fair hearing, to them, he was just another Negro, boy, and nigger.
In chapter 21, the biggest trial in Maycomb history comes to a close. The verdict was that Tom Robinson is guilty, even though all of Jem’s predictions sad that he would go free. Both Jem and Scout are surprised when the jury says “guilty” seemingly unanimously. The fact that the evidence that Robinson was free was overwhelming and the jury still said he was guilty shows a different perspective of Maycomb. It shows that Maycomb still has a ways to go before everyone is thinking as acceptingly as the Finches.
Tom was convicted, and i believe was incorrect, guilty. i believe that they found him guilty because he was black. If he was trailed today the verdict would have taken a minute to be found innocent. Atticus annihilated the Ewell's. Atticus should have gotten a medal for such a great case. But still because of the racism in Maycomb Tom was guilty. The trails were so unjust then. Now things have changed, right now if i could ask anyone and ask that an African American could become president everyone would look at me funny. this is how much things have changed, from an African American that needs someone of a fully just heart to defend him to having an African American President.
In Maycomb, still things have changed. It took hours for the jury to decide and it would have been a few minutes if Atticus hadn't convinced one headstrong person. -kevin
Austen said... In chapter 21 Tom is found guilty. I think the jury chose Tom to be guilty because Maycomb is very rasist. For example there are compleatly diffrent parts of town for blacks and for whites. I think Atticus is one of the only people that thinks of himself equal to the black community. I think he is trying to show the people of maycomb how eaisley black people can get convicted for a crime they did not commit.
Tom Robinson was found guilty of raping mayella ewell, even though there is no evidence of the crime. Atticus made an exellent argument that proves that Bob Ewell beat up Mayella. Even though Atticus significantly, Tom was still found guilty because of he is black. This shows that even though Tom is obvioulsy not guilty, Maconb is not ready to accept the fact that all men are made equal, and that it is not right to judge an individual by the color of their skin
guilty. this was the verdict of the jury. i dissagree tyra. i believe that all of citicens on the jury knew that blacks were not evil, but Atticus's speach only uncovered the buryed idea of blacks being human that was hidden in the steiotypes. i think that these feelings will be once again swallowed by lies but it will still leave a faint memory of what was once there. as mis maudi put it, "its just a baby step but it's a step" the jury only realy acused tom in the end because of peir presure, and the thought that noone else saw the light meening that they should keep to them selfs and go with the flow.
even though Tom Robinson was foud guilty i think that Atticus and Tom put together a good case. I just think that the jury chose Tom Robinson guilty because he is black and in the '30s Blacks were still considered or treated as lower people. Some of the whites, such as miss maudie, are coming over the fact that all men are created equal. She says that " it's just a baby step but its a step" proves that some of Maycomb has opened up a sliver of change. I think that we can relate her quote to Barack Obama's triumph on Nov. 4th to say that america has made progress and we have opened up to change. Some people are going to be racist because they are acustomed to it. You just have to live YOUR life. (BRANDON)
In chapter 21, we learn that Tom Robinson has lost the case. I think that this verdict not only showed an example of racial issues during that time but also gave a thorough example of the unwritten laws of Maycomb.
Even if the jury thought that Tom was innocent, they could not say that. One, because defending a black man over a white man would be seen as inexplicable in society at that time anyway. Also, as I have brought up before, Maycomb has brought people up to care about what others think about them. People who dont are seen as outsiders like Boo Radley. So, since the jury is made up of average Maycomb citizens, they could not side with a black man over a white man even if he was trash.
Tom Robinson was found guilty. He was found guilty though I really do believe that all of the people in the jury knew very well that Tom Robinson was not guilty, but I guess those people were the ones who were racist and afraid of change. As other people said before me, some of the citizens in Maycomb are not afraid of change, and in being not afraid of change they believe in equality and justice. Atticus is one of those people. Tom Robinson did not have a jury of his peers, Tom Robinson did not have a fair chance. The jury was to scared to change the way they have been living for so long, and that is the main reason why Tom Robinson was found guilty, the jury seemed like they would not let an African American man win over a white man, even if they really knew that the African American man was not guilty. They were to afraid of change, and afraid of equality. I agree that that the people of Maycomb are taking a step, although not a big enough one, I guess they did take a step. They took a step because there are the people in Maycomb who believe in equality and justice, and are fair. Having those kinds of people, people like Atticus is, a step for Maycomb.
In the Tom robinson verdict, Tom was found guilty. Although we do not know the details of why he was found guilty, there are many aspects of why he probably was found guilty. First off, as Reverend Skyes stated that he has never seen a black man win a case against a white man, this could mean that race might have been the major reason for the verdict. Because Tom is, in fact, a black man, he is considered inferior when compared to a white person. Tom's case is especially interesting because Atticus made very detailed points about how Tom could not have possibly raped Mayella, yet this was not taken into consideration in the verdict. The only thing that stood out to the jury was race. Even if the town of Maycomb knew for a fact that Tom didn't rape Mayella Ewell, he would still be found guilty because this town, mainly the white people, feel that blacks cannot be trusted around a white woman. Even if it is strictly business, people would get the impression that there is either a relationship involved or there is something bad that is happening.
The verdict was that Tom Robinson was found guilty. After i heard Atticus's information i thought that they were going to win the case. Then i realized something Atticus had said to his brother. His brother asked "Do you think you will win the case?" Atticus says, "No." I think that he meant that this is Maycomb of corse they wouldn't win. This is the south. I think that the jury came to their verdict by racism. I think that inside the juries hearts they know that Mr. Ewell beat his kid or somebody else that was not Tom Robinson did. I think that soon after that they might start to learn. They might say in their heads oh he's a man too. Or just cause his skin is a different color that doesn't mean he's a bad person. I think soon that make the right discion. Not by the color of someones skin but by the evidence and the truth they know inside. -jamie
The jury verdict was that Tom Robinson was guilty. This is because of white privilege that says that white people are better than black people and should be treated as such. People believed that they should hold onto this entitlement to trumping black people at all costs. People believed that they were better and that they deserved their privilege so they were unwilling to compromise in doing what was right. The Ewells played off of the fact that they were white and there for better than Tom Robinson. People thought society would change and people would become equals if tom won and this was a chance they would not take.
The jury's verdict is that Tom Robinson is found guilty. This shows that racism is something that Maycomb is not yet ready to over come. The jury came to this verdict strictly because Tom Robinson is black. Being that Tom is black all of the evidence that he stated was thought to be false. The jury did give a thought to maybe he was telling the truth, or maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions because of the color of his skin. But unfortunately because Maycomb is not yet ready to overcome the color barrier, racism has overtaken their society.
The verdict of the trial was that Tom Robinson was found guilty. A qoute that I found that midly explains why I think the jury decided as they did is "in the cynical confidence that thier testimony would not be doubted, the assumption- the evil assumption- that all negroes lie, that all negroes are basically immoral beings, that all negro men are not to be trusted around our women, an assumption one associates with minds of thier caliber." I think that this qoute still stays strong and true within the town of Maycomb. they think, and treat, negroes as second-class citizens. So in many ways they become the outsider, and in many ways they play the role as a scapegoat. In this quote Atticus is telling all that Ewells expected to win this trial and have the assumptions that an average deweller of maycomb may have, that All negroes must not be trusted and that they are all guilty of some crime, but atticus is also saying they are making these assumptions with narrow minds, minds that only believe in one thing and their belief has no room to expand and add oon or change. I think that Maycomb would side with Ewells even though they are not particularly aquianted with them, but they know who they are. And the jury would also side with them because of their " minds of thier caliber". I picked this qoute because I think it really does show What maycomb believes in and what they think of others. Yet at the same timeI don't really think that their can be just one quote that sums everything up. This has been a crazy and complicated case where there has been tons of decietful and deceptive actions and evidence. And The jury decided as they did because they have one strong idea of how the town of maycomb should look like, a town where one side is white and the other side is black. the matter of equality came up many times, but how many times was it actually listened and processed throughly? I think that many in maycomb just dont want to except the fact that whites aren't the better more suprior race, and that there is none.
The case resolved in Tom being convicted of rape. He was sentenced to death. Harper Lee based this story on the environment and government of that time, the 1960s. Then, racial prejudice is severe. This is the same almost everywhere around the world, not only blacks are affected. In Maycomb, there is a large population of whites. The blacks are divided from their territory by Ewells' house ( a dump). The trial can be said the longest ever in Maycomb about a black man held on trial. This means that the people are willing to listen. In the end however, the jury still convicted Tom. Why? In the start of the book, the climax revolves about Boo Radley, the town hermit. As time progresses, several new characters like Mr. Raymond and Rev. Skykes were introduced. All these events lead up and drew a racial boundary between Maycomb Whites and Maycomb Blacks. Example, they each have their own church, neither side is accepted on the other. The pleasant appearearance of Maycomb is tainted by the darker side it obscures. The jury decided on convicting Tom because of two main reasons. One small portion maybe insufficient evidence, because large amounts are through speech. The second and main cause is because of their skin. Despite the fact that Bob and Mayella were clearly providing incredible evidence, the people of Maycomb, whites, pinned on the concept of "Blacks are always guilty". Imagine what will happen if the jury does free Tom. There will be a serious racial riot, perhaps...
Many powerful moments have been spawned by the effects of this controversial case, e.g. the front of the prison, the church, et cetera. Almost everyone who hadn't become a recluse had gone to the trial to watch Atticus fight for the rights Tom Robinson deserves. And although the Ewells are the lowest individuals of Maycomb County, they keep claim over the Blacks because God gave them White skin. Maycomb is also a very racially prejudiced town. Despite that, there is a lot of hope that things will finally go the way they should, and that whites won't win. Atticus, a moving and powerful attornbey at law, keeps the jury out for what seeemed to be an interminable amount of time, but in the end, it all came down like it always does, white trumping black, where in this case the blacks are the truth and the whites lie to push the blame off of them. This happens because the citizens of Maycomb seem not to understand that balcks and whites are equal in the dark and in the eyes of God.
the juries verdict was that tom robinson was guilty. in maycomb most white people are racist there. i think that this is why the jury found tom guilty but there can be other ways. for example the unwritten rules of maycomb might play a part in this verdict. another reason is that maybe the jury was simply a jury in favor of white people more than black people. whatever the reason was i think that most people of maycomb most have thought it was the wrong verdict and tom should be innocent.
The verdict was that Tom Robinson was found guilty. You can see throughout the trial Atticus influences some whites that people of color are equal. Others are single minded and still believe that people of color arent equal. This influences the verdict.
Even though the verdict was guilty Miss Maudie said "its just a baby step but its a step." She is referring to how the town has changed in some way. As Maycomb's true color's started to show throughout the trial, I feel that a level of the town's maturity has changed and the town's knowledge has be enhanced.
The concept of adulthood and childhood face Scout, Jem and Dill. They realize that the unjustifce is a way of justifying what is right and wrong.
Even though it did not turn out as planned, the message of equality and good/evil came across to the town of Maycomb.
The verdict, as predicted, was that Tom Robinson was found guilty. How could this be possible, with almost all evidence pointing against it? It is possible because all of the evidence provided by Tom Robinson was considered false and the evidence provided by Bob Ewell was taken as true. This is because of the rasiscm of the town and the jury. A famous quote states: " We were taught that the beast black man was worse than the worst white man." So no matter how good and honest Tom Robinson is, nobody would believe him against the Ewells. This might have been different if Mayella had told the truth about who had raped her, but because she lied Tom Roninson is in grave danger. I dissagree and agree with Tyra that the town has changed. Most of th e town knows the truth about the case, and they are beginnig to realize just how rascist they are. However, I dissagree on the point that Maycomb has changed. Maycob won't just change, it needs somebody to come and change it, which is what Atticus wanted in the case. Atticus might feel like a failure, be he suceeded in letting his children the beginning of the truth, so he hasn't completley failed. LIke he said before, he was licked before he started. No matter what he said, the jury would find Tom Robinson guilty. So in a way all that Atticus could hope for is that his voice would be heard. Everyone in that courtroom heard his voice, no matter whether they believed in it or not. YAY ATTICUS!!!!!!!!!
Just replying to what sophie said:
Atticus wasnt the only one willing to change. Scout Jem and Dill along with Mr. Dolphus Raymond who believes that blacks are just as important as whites. I think the jury understands that there should be equality but isnt ready for it. They dont want to believe in change. Yes Atticus was the start but there were also many he influenced.
The verdict of this trial was that Tom Robinson was found guilty. However, it was never proven that he was in fact guilty. I believe that Mayella was lying during the trial and yet she was believed by the jury only because of her color. No matter who was lying or telling the truth, the only thing that mattered to the jury was they could never trust a colored man. And since Tom Robinson was colored, he was automatically found guilty…no matter what he says; his words fell on deaf ears.
♥ Emma Francesca ♥
*Obama 08!*
The verdict was that Tom robinson is guilty. I agree with Tyra when she says that Atticus influences white people that colored people are equal. When the jury comes in the courtroom they say that the jury could not look at Tom. I think that they were to ashame to look at Tom because they know he is not guilty. But they are scared.
I think the jury decided because they were scared they feared for there saftey, because if they convict a white man of rape against a black man their family and themselves could be indangered. In Maycomb most whites did not like black people or didn't like black people thinking they were higer than whites so this may have been why the jury chosed their verdict.
The verdict of the jury was that Mr. Robinson was guilty. I think Atticus made a big impression on the jury but it was not enough to overcome the racial issues of the town. The jury decided based on what their ancestors and their ancestor's ancestors did long before them, not based on what was fair and beneficial to Maycomb and the changing world around them. It shows how deep the racial veins ran in Maycomb. But, yesterday, America chose a black man to be the president, so it shows that those racial veins have been slowly drying up.
I agree with Tyra and Miss Maudie, even though atticus did not win the case, it was still a baby step for the town. Many people were shaken awake just in time to see that times were going to change, and Maycomb needed to change with them. I feel bad for Tom and his wife and three children, because they, unknowingly, had to sacrifice Tom to feed the changing ways of Maycomb.
The jury said that Tom was guilty of raping Mayella Ewell. Most of the people in the audience already predicted that Tom was not going to get out of this mess. I think that the jury decided this because the jury was mostly white people and, as Tyra said, some of them probably still thought that black people weren't equal to white people. even though some of the white people did think that Tom was not guilty, I think that they were scared to say anything because of what the other white people might say and think about them.
Tom Robinson is found guilty. It is possible to predict this verdict from reading chapter 20. You see Mr. Gilmer constantly looking at the jury and making Tom feel self-conscious and uncomfortable in court. When Tom hesitates, everyone in the court room thinks that he is just thinking of an answer on the spot. It seems that in towns like Maycomb in the 1930's, people of color feel that when they are in court, everyone else in the court room is white. This makes the person of color feel very alone and scared.
(this is jake)
The verdict, Tom Robinson was found guilty. It was perplexing and unhumane that Robinson was found guilty. Atticus had done such a good job one thaat case and he had pretty much proven that Bob Ewel beat her own child for money. This shows the jury should be modified into a more honest enviorment, not filled with steriotipic thinking people. It is a shame that Ewel got away with this case just becuase he is white. These are reasons that the jury should have thought 1. If he beated his daughter why should he be rewarded? 2. He is drunk and will do anything for money. 3. If Tom isn't guilty he will be lynched.Didn't read ahead. We studied this in 6th grade.)4. Tom only has one hand he can control and with only one Mallela could have protected her self becuase she is strong. ( This case clearly showes Maycomb could have many accusations and they would all be slanders and the person who is not actually guilty could get marked it just because of his color.
the verdict was that tom robinson was found guilty. even though he was telling the truth, and as Jem says "we've won it" they didn't win though. they should have won but it was a black man vs. an all white jury, in a racist time. anyone could have let something slip and Mayella still would have won.
I agree with what everyone has to say about the verdict. Tom Robinson was announced guilty, which he shouldn't of because they have no real evidence that he raped her. It's vice versa with Mayella's and Tom's side because no one was there to witness what actually happened. Bob Ewell was there but can you actually trust him, after all he's a threat to his kids when he's drunk. There could've been a possibility he was and he beat her and then he framed Tom for it.
I think the jury decided Tom to be guilty because he's an African American and they think its a better chance for a man like him to have that mind to rape a 19 year old than a white woman would do to a African American. And they probably made him guilty because they didn't want a African American to win for the first time. The town of Maycomb isn't ready for change and equality. It's as if racism is the only answer for this.
The verdict of the Tom Robinson case was that he was found guilty. I think the jury made this decision because, despite the effort of Atticus and others, the town of Maycomb is still deeply racist.
I agree with Sophie and others that the verdict was predictable because, even though the Ewells are low class and looked down upon, they are still white and therefore they are still seen as higher than a black person.
The verdict really shows, how the jury was given so much evidence but they still found Tom guilty, and that Maycomb HASN'T changed. Some people might find the inequality between black and white people unfair, but very few people, like Atticus, are willing change that.
Tom Robinson was found guilty by the jury. The jury made this discision blindly off racism. Even with mound of evidence not going toward Tom raping her and Bob ewell actually being guilty racism prevails and nothing is done. Nothing is changed and history remains the same. The reason the jury found Tom guilty was because it was not right. A white woman in love with a black man? Unthinkable! not even right.
This is because a black man working for free to a white person is not right. A white woman in love with a black man is not right. Even a black man having substantial evidence against a white woman cannot be true. These things havn't changed in maycomb.
i think he jury decided this way becuase he was black and I think if it was Tom Robbinson was a white man then he would have definently won because you could see that Bob Ewell was lying
In chapter 21, Atticus find out that Scout, Jem, and Dill are at the trial. Atticus tells them, to go home and eat dinner. When the children return home from dinner, the jury is still outside discussing what Tom Robinson's fait is going to be. When the jury finally comes back in, the verdict is guilty. Everyone near to Scout is annoyed and disbelieving.
In the town of Maycomb, it was very unlikely that Tom Robinson was going to win the case, not because he was actually guilty, but because Maycomb is a community with "white privilege". In this book, the term "white privilege" means that anyone who is white has the power over any black person, not matter how rich, poor, famous, or hated a white person is. Even though the Ewells are not very popular and live in the dumpy outskirts of Maycomb, they are white and get priority over Tom Robinson.
Another reason that Tom Robinson didn't win was because of the fear of change. All the white and black citizens in Maycomb, knew that no matter how innocent Tom was, he would have to be considered guilty. This is because a white jury wouldn't have been able to call a black man innocent. This would have inflicted too much change on Maycomb and its racial boundaries.
The verdict was that Tom was found guilty. Atticus tries really hard to prove that Tom is inocent and that all should be equal. He was probably inocent because it seemed like Mayalla was lying due to the fact that she would look at Bob Ewell (her father), who would sit up and make a face that told her to lie or he will beat her like there was no tomorow. It also seemed like Atticus had more than enough evidence to prove that Tom Robinson was inocent but because the jury was racist against blacks, he was proven guilty.
In the end Tom Robinson was found as guilty by the jury. I think a big factor in coming to this decision was race. I agree with Tyra that in part the jury only supported the Ewell's because they are white and Tom Robinson is black. I think that Emma made an intersting point that Tom Robinson's words were not even heard by the jury because he was black. I also think that the jury were probably trying to keep their name in the town white. I think that the outcome of the trial was what everyone guessed would happen, I think that Jem and Scout were just thinking wishfully. However I think that people that were friends of Tom Robinson who came(like the reverend) came to witness the trialout of respect for Tom.I think they were more paying him respect by being there when he was sentenced to death than to find out the verdict. I think most people already knew the way the events of the trial would unfold.
The verdict was that Tom Robinson was guilty. I think the jury decided this because African Americans aren't treated as equally as white people. If one of the jurers found him innocent they would be hated because of that but if they all find him guilty it would not cause an outrage. Even though it might change the people treat them it will still be bad. I thinkthat Tom Robinson was innocent and Mr.Ewell beat up Mayella.
i am katherina!!!
Najha Zigbi-Johnson
Will add my post
I agree with everyone, no matter what the people said or did the judge would never say that Tom was innocent. The verdict was that Tom Robinson was guilty. There really wasn't any hardcore evidence that Tm raped her.
JuLiAn RiVeRa
The verdict of the trial was that Tom Robinson was guilty. With all the evidence Atticus brought up, it seems unreal that it could be true. But i believe the verdict of this trial explains Maycomb. Maycomb is not place for change. It is not a place that will go against what the history has been. Maycomb will not let a black man be equal to the white man. Tom Robinson, even with the help of Atticus, would never be able to win a trial over a white person even with good evidence. I believe that the people of Maycomb are open to some change but Maycomb doesn't have a leader to persuade the community into changing there town. It seems that it is a place where people would also feel self conscious if they were to stand out in the town, which goes back to the people in Maycomb and how they judge others. But to some everything up I would say Maycomb is a very unlikely place that change would happen.
As everyone has already mentioned, Tom Robinson was found guilty. The town of Macomb is scared of change, and they wont accept that a black man is correct, and that the white opponent, Mr. Ewell is guilty. They wont accept that black and white are equal, and it is just as likely that a white man will commit a crime, that a black man will commit it. In this case it was the white man, but that is irrelevant. What mattered is that Atticus's client was black, and that just because of that the jury probably already came to face the case with a prejudiced opinion. It didn't matter that all the evidence pointed to Bob and Mayella being guilty, it didn't matter that there were huge holes in Mayella's story. All that mattered was Toms skin color. That little physical made the trial set in stone. Probably if this trial had happened in this time period, then real justice would have been done, yesterday proved that, i mean, after all didn't we just elect the 43rd president of the United States of America? And isn't he an African American? Weren't African Americans slaves a couple of centuries ago? That single fact proves that change is possible, anywhere in the world, you just need people like Atticus, and Marthen Luther King, and Ghandi, with strong ideas/belifs of equality, and non racial views.
As predicted, Tom Robinson was found guilty for a crime he did not commit. Throughout the trial, Atticus brought up valid points and made many excellent observations. Atticus made it clear that Mayella’s story and Mr. Ewell’s story did not match up, even before Tom Robinson testified. It was just too hard for the jury to believe that a black man would do something for a white lady out of sheer goodness and not ask for anything in return.
I ask myself, why was Tom found guilty in a case that was so obviously wrong? Why, because in 1935, “Jim Crow” laws were in full swing and not in a million years was a segregated town going to take the word of a black man over a white women and her white father. The color of one man’s skin blinded the jury from seeing the truth. Because Tom Robinson was black the jury did not give him a fair hearing, to them, he was just another Negro, boy, and nigger.
In chapter 21, the biggest trial in Maycomb history comes to a close. The verdict was that Tom Robinson is guilty, even though all of Jem’s predictions sad that he would go free. Both Jem and Scout are surprised when the jury says “guilty” seemingly unanimously. The fact that the evidence that Robinson was free was overwhelming and the jury still said he was guilty shows a different perspective of Maycomb. It shows that Maycomb still has a ways to go before everyone is thinking as acceptingly as the Finches.
Tom was convicted, and i believe was incorrect, guilty. i believe that they found him guilty because he was black. If he was trailed today the verdict would have taken a minute to be found innocent. Atticus annihilated the Ewell's. Atticus should have gotten a medal for such a great case. But still because of the racism in Maycomb Tom was guilty. The trails were so unjust then. Now things have changed, right now if i could ask anyone and ask that an African American could become president everyone would look at me funny. this is how much things have changed, from an African American that needs someone of a fully just heart to defend him to having an African American President.
In Maycomb, still things have changed. It took hours for the jury to decide and it would have been a few minutes if Atticus hadn't convinced one headstrong person.
Austen said...
In chapter 21 Tom is found guilty. I think the jury chose Tom to be guilty because Maycomb is very rasist. For example there are compleatly diffrent parts of town for blacks and for whites. I think Atticus is one of the only people that thinks of himself equal to the black community. I think he is trying to show the people of maycomb how eaisley black people can get convicted for a crime they did not commit.
Tom Robinson was found guilty of raping mayella ewell, even though there is no evidence of the crime. Atticus made an exellent argument that proves that Bob Ewell beat up Mayella. Even though Atticus significantly, Tom was still found guilty because of he is black. This shows that even though Tom is obvioulsy not guilty, Maconb is not ready to accept the fact that all men are made equal, and that it is not right to judge an individual by the color of their skin
guilty. this was the verdict of the jury. i dissagree tyra. i believe that all of citicens on the jury knew that blacks were not evil, but Atticus's speach only uncovered the buryed idea of blacks being human that was hidden in the steiotypes. i think that these feelings will be once again swallowed by lies but it will still leave a faint memory of what was once there. as mis maudi put it, "its just a baby step but it's a step" the jury only realy acused tom in the end because of peir presure, and the thought that noone else saw the light meening that they should keep to them selfs and go with the flow.
even though Tom Robinson was foud guilty i think that Atticus and Tom put together a good case. I just think that the jury chose Tom Robinson guilty because he is black and in the '30s Blacks were still considered or treated as lower people. Some of the whites, such as miss maudie, are coming over the fact that all men are created equal. She says that " it's just a baby step but its a step" proves that some of Maycomb has opened up a sliver of change. I think that we can relate her quote to Barack Obama's triumph on Nov. 4th to say that america has made progress and we have opened up to change. Some people are going to be racist because they are acustomed to it. You just have to live YOUR life. (BRANDON)
In chapter 21, we learn that Tom Robinson has lost the case. I think that this verdict not only showed an example of racial issues during that time but also gave a thorough example of the unwritten laws of Maycomb.
Even if the jury thought that Tom was innocent, they could not say that. One, because defending a black man over a white man would be seen as inexplicable in society at that time anyway. Also, as I have brought up before, Maycomb has brought people up to care about what others think about them. People who dont are seen as outsiders like Boo Radley. So, since the jury is made up of average Maycomb citizens, they could not side with a black man over a white man even if he was trash.
Tom Robinson was found guilty. He was found guilty though I really do believe that all of the people in the jury knew very well that Tom Robinson was not guilty, but I guess those people were the ones who were racist and afraid of change. As other people said before me, some of the citizens in Maycomb are not afraid of change, and in being not afraid of change they believe in equality and justice. Atticus is one of those people. Tom Robinson did not have a jury of his peers, Tom Robinson did not have a fair chance. The jury was to scared to change the way they have been living for so long, and that is the main reason why Tom Robinson was found guilty, the jury seemed like they would not let an African American man win over a white man, even if they really knew that the African American man was not guilty. They were to afraid of change, and afraid of equality.
I agree that that the people of Maycomb are taking a step, although not a big enough one, I guess they did take a step. They took a step because there are the people in Maycomb who believe in equality and justice, and are fair. Having those kinds of people, people like Atticus is, a step for Maycomb.
In the Tom robinson verdict, Tom was found guilty. Although we do not know the details of why he was found guilty, there are many aspects of why he probably was found guilty. First off, as Reverend Skyes stated that he has never seen a black man win a case against a white man, this could mean that race might have been the major reason for the verdict. Because Tom is, in fact, a black man, he is considered inferior when compared to a white person. Tom's case is especially interesting because Atticus made very detailed points about how Tom could not have possibly raped Mayella, yet this was not taken into consideration in the verdict. The only thing that stood out to the jury was race. Even if the town of Maycomb knew for a fact that Tom didn't rape Mayella Ewell, he would still be found guilty because this town, mainly the white people, feel that blacks cannot be trusted around a white woman. Even if it is strictly business, people would get the impression that there is either a relationship involved or there is something bad that is happening.
Go Obama!
The verdict was that Tom Robinson was found guilty. After i heard Atticus's information i thought that they were going to win the case. Then i realized something Atticus had said to his brother. His brother asked "Do you think you will win the case?" Atticus says, "No." I think that he meant that this is Maycomb of corse they wouldn't win. This is the south. I think that the jury came to their verdict by racism. I think that inside the juries hearts they know that Mr. Ewell beat his kid or somebody else that was not Tom Robinson did. I think that soon after that they might start to learn. They might say in their heads oh he's a man too. Or just cause his skin is a different color that doesn't mean he's a bad person. I think soon that make the right discion. Not by the color of someones skin but by the evidence and the truth they know inside.
The jury verdict was that Tom Robinson was guilty. This is because of white privilege that says that white people are better than black people and should be treated as such. People believed that they should hold onto this entitlement to trumping black people at all costs. People believed that they were better and that they deserved their privilege so they were unwilling to compromise in doing what was right. The Ewells played off of the fact that they were white and there for better than Tom Robinson. People thought society would change and people would become equals if tom won and this was a chance they would not take.
The jury's verdict is that Tom Robinson is found guilty. This shows that racism is something that Maycomb is not yet ready to over come. The jury came to this verdict strictly because Tom Robinson is black. Being that Tom is black all of the evidence that he stated was thought to be false. The jury did give a thought to maybe he was telling the truth, or maybe we shouldn't jump to conclusions because of the color of his skin. But unfortunately because Maycomb is not yet ready to overcome the color barrier, racism has overtaken their society.
The verdict of the trial was that Tom Robinson was found guilty. A qoute that I found that midly explains why I think the jury decided as they did is "in the cynical confidence that thier testimony would not be doubted, the assumption- the evil assumption- that all negroes lie, that all negroes are basically immoral beings, that all negro men are not to be trusted around our women, an assumption one associates with minds of thier caliber."
I think that this qoute still stays strong and true within the town of Maycomb. they think, and treat, negroes as second-class citizens. So in many ways they become the outsider, and in many ways they play the role as a scapegoat. In this quote Atticus is telling all that Ewells expected to win this trial and have the assumptions that an average deweller of maycomb may have, that All negroes must not be trusted and that they are all guilty of some crime, but atticus is also saying they are making these assumptions with narrow minds, minds that only believe in one thing and their belief has no room to expand and add oon or change. I think that Maycomb would side with Ewells even though they are not particularly aquianted with them, but they know who they are. And the jury would also side with them because of their " minds of thier caliber". I picked this qoute because I think it really does show What maycomb believes in and what they think of others. Yet at the same timeI don't really think that their can be just one quote that sums everything up. This has been a crazy and complicated case where there has been tons of decietful and deceptive actions and evidence. And The jury decided as they did because they have one strong idea of how the town of maycomb should look like, a town where one side is white and the other side is black. the matter of equality came up many times, but how many times was it actually listened and processed throughly? I think that many in maycomb just dont want to except the fact that whites aren't the better more suprior race, and that there is none.
The case resolved in Tom being convicted of rape. He was sentenced to death.
Harper Lee based this story on the environment and government of that time, the 1960s. Then, racial prejudice is severe. This is the same almost everywhere around the world, not only blacks are affected.
In Maycomb, there is a large population of whites. The blacks are divided from their territory by Ewells' house ( a dump). The trial can be said the longest ever in Maycomb about a black man held on trial. This means that the people are willing to listen. In the end however, the jury still convicted Tom.
In the start of the book, the climax revolves about Boo Radley, the town hermit. As time progresses, several new characters like Mr. Raymond and Rev. Skykes were introduced. All these events lead up and drew a racial boundary between Maycomb Whites and Maycomb Blacks. Example, they each have their own church, neither side is accepted on the other. The pleasant appearearance of Maycomb is tainted by the darker side it obscures.
The jury decided on convicting Tom because of two main reasons. One small portion maybe insufficient evidence, because large amounts are through speech. The second and main cause is because of their skin. Despite the fact that Bob and Mayella were clearly providing incredible evidence, the people of Maycomb, whites, pinned on the concept of "Blacks are always guilty".
Imagine what will happen if the jury does free Tom. There will be a serious racial riot, perhaps...
PS: This is Rex
Many powerful moments have been spawned by the effects of this controversial case, e.g. the front of the prison, the church, et cetera. Almost everyone who hadn't become a recluse had gone to the trial to watch Atticus fight for the rights Tom Robinson deserves. And although the Ewells are the lowest individuals of Maycomb County, they keep claim over the Blacks because God gave them White skin. Maycomb is also a very racially prejudiced town. Despite that, there is a lot of hope that things will finally go the way they should, and that whites won't win. Atticus, a moving and powerful attornbey at law, keeps the jury out for what seeemed to be an interminable amount of time, but in the end, it all came down like it always does, white trumping black, where in this case the blacks are the truth and the whites lie to push the blame off of them. This happens because the citizens of Maycomb seem not to understand that balcks and whites are equal in the dark and in the eyes of God.
the juries verdict was that tom robinson was guilty. in maycomb most white people are racist there. i think that this is why the jury found tom guilty but there can be other ways. for example the unwritten rules of maycomb might play a part in this verdict. another reason is that maybe the jury was simply a jury in favor of white people more than black people. whatever the reason was i think that most people of maycomb most have thought it was the wrong verdict and tom should be innocent.
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