Choose a particular, repeated detail in the opening chapters that stood out to you. What does this detail symbolize? What information does it reveal about the characters, particularly the mother and the narrator?
The detail I chose is the Narrator's annoyance from his mother's bicycle. The Narrator also knows that his mother is white living in a black neighborhood, and being a white adult, who rides a bike is not very common. This symbolizes that the Narrator knows how to adapt to certain environments, and how to act in them.
In this book the main characters mom is white. when the main character first really notices it the mother snaps at him. she explains she is just a person and nothing else. james understands this and shuts his mouth. i think that the mother is trying to protect him from segregation between white and black. she is trying to make james grow up to be someone who doesn't care about the color of someone's skin. i think that this shows that the mother is very protective about these things. its showing how she sees the world and she wants her children to see the world. i think that its a good thing stopping your children from being someone who does the wrong thing in society to someone who does something that can help the society and change the minds of people.
The main character's mom plays a huge role in how he thinks and how he views the outside world, and what they think. He talks about how his mother is differnt, not like the other parents. It is confusing to him, he has dark skin and tight curls, and she is much lighter than him. He wonders why she looks the way she does. He also talks about how they always live in African American communites and how she is somewhat of the outsider, being the only white lady. And though she knows her children are differnt she does not explain why. This detail about race and how it affects his life shows me that race and color will play a large part of this book, and his identity and his families identity will sculpt who he is as a human. The mother is well aware of her family and how all 12 of her kids don't "look" like her, but that does not seem to bother her too much, becuase she has only biracial children and lives in an all black community.
Througout the first two chapters, the narrorator continues to harp on the fact that his mother is white. He mentions that she was a white woman who married a black man, htat she was not black like her children or the rest of her family, that she had a white face, etc. I belive that the author does this to try and put an emphasis on how differentbeing white can make a person from the rest of society, and what identity and familr really means
James constantly talk her mother's skin color compared to his and his twelve sibling. As a child he was urious know why his mother had a different color of skin compared to him. James seemed to love his mother but to dislike her skin color. When his friends sight his mom he is emabarased because she is not black like the rest of them. When James asks her mother why she is not black like the rest of them (or race affiliated questions) she ignores him. She probably does not enjoy talking about her dark and painful past. You can tell she suffered a lot form the holocaust and does not like when people question her about why she is living among black people.
In the first two chapters, the narrator emphasizes the point that his mom is white and he had always asked her if she was black and him and his siblings didn't find out about it until they were older. He also emphasizes the fact that he is proud of having a white mom.
I think that the recurring detail within these chapters was the kids embarrassment with his mother being white. He does not want her to be able to go around the neighborhood embarrassing him. I think this is the main reason why he hates the bike. He thinks the fact that his mom is going around the neighborhood weird and that other kids will make fun of him. He is basically saying he is embarrassed of his mom.
The mother's old bicycle is a detail that really stood out to me. It seems to embody the narrator's feeling for her. He loves her dearly but he also holds her in contempt (or he used to) because she is so different from other mothers. The bike seems to be his mother somehow. Like the bike she is slightly old fashion and out of place.
There were many details in the story, and in older posts people have spoken of the extremely outdated bicycle that his mother rode on constantly and also the color of his mother's skin being white while at the same time he was black. But I think a more significant detail in the story was that because he was the youngest out of twelve children (a large family), which meant that he constantly had to fight for attention over his brothers and sisters, ultimately creating a weak bond between him and his mother, as well as making him tougher. Despite the setbacks the pair love each other very much, and when he was surprisingly given an alone moment with his mother, he spoke of cherishing that time. He was often neglected and made fun of, his brothers and sisters scaring him about his first day of school, and waiting for an eternity for his mother to pick him up. So since he was the youngest he was set far behind everyone else.
Throughout the first two chapters of The Color of Water, the narrator emphasizes the fact that his mother is white. Many points through the book , the narrator shows his discomfort with his mother being different and somehow it being bad that she is white. This shows the narrators and its ways of being judgmental and not being comfortable with being different. Though the narrator describes his mother as the families "commander in chief," he still has problems with his mother. He notices difference in his mother and friends' mothers and finds a problem with a difference. It shows that the narrator is insecure about his background, family and specifically his mom.
Throughout the first two chapters, an occurring detail that I noticed was how the narrator:s mother never cared about how others thought. She always ignored dirty looks and comments and stuck to who she was. She knew she was different than everyone else in their community but she didn't let that affect her. When she rode her old bike slowly and people looked at her weirdly, she saw none of it. She was comfortable with who she was and what she did and did not let how others saw her affect her pride.
my detail would be the sight of the boys mother on the bus, seperatied from every one else because she was white. this was a simbole of sfty and reashuence for the younge boy. if he saw her he knew what will happen and he knew that she was there to protect him. when she did not apper he was l;ost. he could get home but his mother was not there to get him. he lost hope and could not move. he was motionless and couldn't even try to find his way home without his reasurence that eveything will be ok
I choose the detail about the narrator's mother. The mother of a family with twelve children was an amazing feat for a single mother. She was a resilient person, even losing the people closest to her was not enough to deter her will. It symbols perseverance, might and resistance.
The detail that stood out to me in the first two chapters was the old bicycle that James mother rode. This bike symbolizes that the mother never really thought about being accepted in her neighborhood. When she married a black man, she was not accepted in the community. the bicycle shows that she does not care for being accepted to the norm of society. She does not care about other people and what they think of her. This also shows that James feels ashamed of his mother and her being and acting different. SHe is white in a black neighborhood and she rides a bicycle while others drive cars. James shows his realization to that fact that his mother is different from him and his brothers and sisters.
The main character's mom is white and they live in a black neighborhood. The main character is black along with his brothers and sisters. His mom is really different not only because she is white, but, because she rides an old bike that is outdated. She stands out in the neighborhood and doesnt like the environment she lives in. She probably feels really different and unsecured there.
One detail that continues to show up in the first chapters is the fact that the mother was different. She is different from the people in the neighborhood. She is different from the other mothers at school. She is even different from the rest of her family. This detail is showing that even though the mother and the narrator and his siblings are family, there is a kind of separation between the two generations just because of the color of their skin. It shows that even their mother is like a stranger to the narrator and his siblings
I think that the main character/narrator really tries to get the description of his mother across to the reader, to show his perception of his as his mother and his sense of needing a mother.
I think that the main character/narrator really tries to get the description of his mother across to the reader, to show his perception of his as his mother and his sense of needing a mother.
In the first two chapters of Color of Water, the main character/narrator, James is very opinionated. He is greatly opinionated about his mother's ancient, blue rimmed bike. He thinks that she and her bike aren't normal. He shows some judgment towards them, but his mother keeps riding her bike.
The symbolism of the bike is very important. The bike is described as being really old and disgusting when the mother first gets it, but over time it becomes more important. This shows a theme of evolution and it also describes the situation of how something might seem terrible at first but over time things can grow on you and have a lot of importance.
One of the details I chose is when the narrator describes how his mother is very diverse from the community that they live in. The narrator decided to talk about his mother and how she outstands because she is the only white woman in a black community. I think this is something that outstands within the book because she is different but she doesn’t mind that she is different from them.
In the first two chapters of The Color Of Water, James really put emphasis on his mothers skin color. He talk about how she, as a white woman, is different from all the other mothers, and community members. He talk about how when his mother picks him up from school bus, she is set apart from the other mothers. James really notices how his mother is an outsider in this community, because she married black man and had 12 biracial children.
Yet his mom does not not seem to notice that she is thought of differently. Another way his mom is different, is that she rides the Blue Bike around the neighborhood. This bike is another factor of what makes her so different. She, as a grown, married woman, drives around in an ancient bicycle, unlike the other parents , who drive.
James's mother dose not let her differences affect her, or her children. she just minds her own business, and urges her children to do the same. James's mother is a very strong woman, who might not fit perfectly in her community, but is sticking it through for her family.
A detail that stood out to me the most was the metaphor of Shiva. Shiva is the ritual of mourning in a Jewish household. When the mother's family sat Shiva for her, they did it to show that she was no longer part of the family because she married a non-Jewish person. The consequence for that "expulsion" was, in a way, a form of death.
A main detail that keeps being repeated is the fact that having a big family and a white mother can be a problem at times and annoying when he's with his friends.It symbolizes that being judged is his everyday life and being accepted is very important to him. This shows that James is very insecure about what other people's opinions towards him. That his mother can careless about what people think about her and she isn't afraid to show who she actually is. Being accepted to her isn't important at all. But to James it's very important. He isn't understood which leads him to being so insecure because he doesn't want his friends to get the wrong idea about him.
I agree with Emmete. the fact that the mom is white realy stood out. To have one parent who is of a different skin colour must be tough. also the fact that she wouldn't admit to it must have been even harder. i dissagree somewhat, I think the mom doesn't want to accept that she is white and harboring black children. especialy in segragated times. living like this would hurt a white persones self esteem to have that life stile. especialy scince the children's father doesn't spend much time with them.
In these two chapters, the narrator has said that he never really knew much of his white mother's past until he was an adult. The detail i chose was from chapter two when the narrator was beginning to ride the school bus. After a few weeks of riding the school bus, the terror of going to school eased. One afternoon as the narrator and his mother were walking home, he asked his mother why didn't she look the other mothers. Her response was that she wasn't them. He then asked why didn't she look like him or Rodney or Pete's mother, she replied that she did like him because she is his mother. This detail symbolizes that the narrator's mother "had been down that road before" with dealing with her difference from others. This information reveals that the narrator and his mother had a complicated relationship at first because she had to tell her child that the difference in their skin didn't matter. The information also shows the narrator's mother's struggle to tell him not to care what people say or think.
I agree with many of the people before me, in saying that a very significant and complicated part of his relationship with his mother had a lot to do with race. He realized that she was different, and that she had a different skin color when he went to school. He saw that she looked different than other mothers, and of course as a young child it would make him confused and curious. He asked his mother about this and she simply told him that she was not the other children's mother. He talked a lot about how his mother was different, in many ways. How his family was different. As a child he was at first confused and then embarrassed , when he was older.
The repeated detail that stood out was the mother's diffrence in race and power. What brought out this detail was the mother's blue bicycle. As she rode the bicycle she would not pay attention to the dirty looks given so her or the segregated line that drew her from te others. In a way that bike resembled how she was excluded from the communtiy. The lack of respect given to her was from the insecurities of the balck community. Knowing the history of white supremacy and segreation probally influenced the blacks reaction.
A reapted detail in the first two chapters is that the mother is white and him and his siblings aren't. Even though he didn't know for sure he just knew that him and his mom have different skin colors. I think this symbolizes how there family is unique and how his relationship with his mother might go.
A detail that repeats a couple of times in the beginning chapters that stands out to me is that the main character is black and his mom is white. Whenever the bus was leaving the main character's mom would be behind all the other parents. One day after kindergarden the main character realized the difference between his moms skin color and all his other friends skin colors. This detail symbolizes separation and difference. The difference of parents skin color and the fact that she stood behind all the parents when the bus left. Some information that this reveals about the mother is that she doesn't care for difference in skin color. This is telling the reader that she doesn't think that she is better than black parents. This reveals about the narrator that he is curious about the difference and as most black children were in the time of segregation wondering why certain people couldn't be with or play with other people.
I was really taken aback by the description given by his mother about her mothers limp.It not only left me distraught but made me think about the extensive disabilities cast over europe as a result of WW2 and made me question what had caused her paralyzation.
In these chapters, the narrator really talks about the mothers skin color and that is a detail that is often repeated in the text. the narrator talks about how his mother is a light skinned person living in an all black neighborhood.
I thought that the author talked very much about race and how he and his siblings were ashamed by having a white mother in an all black neighborhood. I also agree with Jake that the author talks alot about mis mother's bicycle. this is an extremely deep book. i also like the fact that there are 2 stories, the mother and James McBride.
The detail i chose was that his mother, a single mother, has 12 children and finds a way to support them all. She is white and lives in a mostly black neighborhood. He often points out her skin color, in a good way, and is kinda proud of it. In many other cases this could be awkward.
A detail that stood out to me was the fact that their mother was different from everyone else in the family. She is a different person from everyone else in the community. Although they are family they are separated by the color of their skin.
The mother of this story gives a huge impact on how the james thinks of life and the world. The mother represents his diffrence like the bicycle. The bicycle represents how she feels the world is on her. The mother is also the protecter of James. She feeds him she also keeps him safe. This is what is represented to james. without the mother, James would be an empty shell Kevin
A detail that stood out to me was the fact that the mother was white. In the community, she stands out. She can be recongnized by her white face walking down the street. She stands out because she lives in a mostly black neighborhood. While riding her odd bike; car drivers stop to look at her strange bike and her white face.
The detail I chose is the Narrator's annoyance from his mother's bicycle. The Narrator also knows that his mother is white living in a black neighborhood, and being a white adult, who rides a bike is not very common. This symbolizes that the Narrator knows how to adapt to certain environments, and how to act in them.
In this book the main characters mom is white. when the main character first really notices it the mother snaps at him. she explains she is just a person and nothing else. james understands this and shuts his mouth. i think that the mother is trying to protect him from segregation between white and black. she is trying to make james grow up to be someone who doesn't care about the color of someone's skin. i think that this shows that the mother is very protective about these things. its showing how she sees the world and she wants her children to see the world. i think that its a good thing stopping your children from being someone who does the wrong thing in society to someone who does something that can help the society and change the minds of people.
tom this is emmett incase you forgot
The main character's mom plays a huge role in how he thinks and how he views the outside world, and what they think. He talks about how his mother is differnt, not like the other parents. It is confusing to him, he has dark skin and tight curls, and she is much lighter than him. He wonders why she looks the way she does. He also talks about how they always live in African American communites and how she is somewhat of the outsider, being the only white lady. And though she knows her children are differnt she does not explain why. This detail about race and how it affects his life shows me that race and color will play a large part of this book, and his identity and his families identity will sculpt who he is as a human. The mother is well aware of her family and how all 12 of her kids don't "look" like her, but that does not seem to bother her too much, becuase she has only biracial children and lives in an all black community.
Througout the first two chapters, the narrorator continues to harp on the fact that his mother is white. He mentions that she was a white woman who married a black man, htat she was not black like her children or the rest of her family, that she had a white face, etc. I belive that the author does this to try and put an emphasis on how differentbeing white can make a person from the rest of society, and what identity and familr really means
James constantly talk her mother's skin color compared to his and his twelve sibling. As a child he was urious know why his mother had a different color of skin compared to him. James seemed to love his mother but to dislike her skin color. When his friends sight his mom he is emabarased because she is not black like the rest of them. When James asks her mother why she is not black like the rest of them (or race affiliated questions) she ignores him. She probably does not enjoy talking about her dark and painful past. You can tell she suffered a lot form the holocaust and does not like when people question her about why she is living among black people.
In the first two chapters, the narrator emphasizes the point that his mom is white and he had always asked her if she was black and him and his siblings didn't find out about it until they were older. He also emphasizes the fact that he is proud of having a white mom.
(p.s. this is katherina)
I think that the recurring detail within these chapters was the kids embarrassment with his mother being white. He does not want her to be able to go around the neighborhood embarrassing him. I think this is the main reason why he hates the bike. He thinks the fact that his mom is going around the neighborhood weird and that other kids will make fun of him. He is basically saying he is embarrassed of his mom.
this is pablo
The mother's old bicycle is a detail that really stood out to me. It seems to embody the narrator's feeling for her. He loves her dearly but he also holds her in contempt (or he used to) because she is so different from other mothers. The bike seems to be his mother somehow. Like the bike she is slightly old fashion and out of place.
There were many details in the story, and in older posts people have spoken of the extremely outdated bicycle that his mother rode on constantly and also the color of his mother's skin being white while at the same time he was black. But I think a more significant detail in the story was that because he was the youngest out of twelve children (a large family), which meant that he constantly had to fight for attention over his brothers and sisters, ultimately creating a weak bond between him and his mother, as well as making him tougher. Despite the setbacks the pair love each other very much, and when he was surprisingly given an alone moment with his mother, he spoke of cherishing that time. He was often neglected and made fun of, his brothers and sisters scaring him about his first day of school, and waiting for an eternity for his mother to pick him up. So since he was the youngest he was set far behind everyone else.
Throughout the first two chapters of The Color of Water, the narrator emphasizes the fact that his mother is white. Many points through the book , the narrator shows his discomfort with his mother being different and somehow it being bad that she is white. This shows the narrators and its ways of being judgmental and not being comfortable with being different. Though the narrator describes his mother as the families "commander in chief," he still has problems with his mother. He notices difference in his mother and friends' mothers and finds a problem with a difference. It shows that the narrator is insecure about his background, family and specifically his mom.
Throughout the first two chapters, an occurring detail that I noticed was how the narrator:s mother never cared about how others thought. She always ignored dirty looks and comments and stuck to who she was. She knew she was different than everyone else in their community but she didn't let that affect her. When she rode her old bike slowly and people looked at her weirdly, she saw none of it. She was comfortable with who she was and what she did and did not let how others saw her affect her pride.
my detail would be the sight of the boys mother on the bus, seperatied from every one else because she was white. this was a simbole of sfty and reashuence for the younge boy. if he saw her he knew what will happen and he knew that she was there to protect him. when she did not apper he was l;ost. he could get home but his mother was not there to get him. he lost hope and could not move. he was motionless and couldn't even try to find his way home without his reasurence that eveything will be ok
I choose the detail about the narrator's mother. The mother of a family with twelve children was an amazing feat for a single mother. She was a resilient person, even losing the people closest to her was not enough to deter her will. It symbols perseverance, might and resistance.
The detail that stood out to me in the first two chapters was the old bicycle that James mother rode. This bike symbolizes that the mother never really thought about being accepted in her neighborhood. When she married a black man, she was not accepted in the community. the bicycle shows that she does not care for being accepted to the norm of society. She does not care about other people and what they think of her. This also shows that James feels ashamed of his mother and her being and acting different. SHe is white in a black neighborhood and she rides a bicycle while others drive cars. James shows his realization to that fact that his mother is different from him and his brothers and sisters.
The main character's mom is white and they live in a black neighborhood. The main character is black along with his brothers and sisters. His mom is really different not only because she is white, but, because she rides an old bike that is outdated. She stands out in the neighborhood and doesnt like the environment she lives in. She probably feels really different and unsecured there.
One detail that continues to show up in the first chapters is the fact that the mother was different. She is different from the people in the neighborhood. She is different from the other mothers at school. She is even different from the rest of her family. This detail is showing that even though the mother and the narrator and his siblings are family, there is a kind of separation between the two generations just because of the color of their skin. It shows that even their mother is like a stranger to the narrator and his siblings
I think that the main character/narrator really tries to get the description of his mother across to the reader, to show his perception of his as his mother and his sense of needing a mother.
I think that the main character/narrator really tries to get the description of his mother across to the reader, to show his perception of his as his mother and his sense of needing a mother.
In the first two chapters of Color of Water, the main character/narrator, James is very opinionated. He is greatly opinionated about his mother's ancient, blue rimmed bike. He thinks that she and her bike aren't normal. He shows some judgment towards them, but his mother keeps riding her bike.
The symbolism of the bike is very important. The bike is described as being really old and disgusting when the mother first gets it, but over time it becomes more important. This shows a theme of evolution and it also describes the situation of how something might seem terrible at first but over time things can grow on you and have a lot of importance.
One of the details I chose is when the narrator describes how his mother is very diverse from the community that they live in. The narrator decided to talk about his mother and how she outstands because she is the only white woman in a black community. I think this is something that outstands within the book because she is different but she doesn’t mind that she is different from them.
i think the narrators doesnt like the fact that his mom is white. And that symbolizes racism not only from whites to blacks but visa versa
In the first two chapters of The Color Of Water, James really put emphasis on his mothers skin color. He talk about how she, as a white woman, is different from all the other mothers, and community members. He talk about how when his mother picks him up from school bus, she is set apart from the other mothers. James really notices how his mother is an outsider in this community, because she married black man and had 12 biracial children.
Yet his mom does not not seem to notice that she is thought of differently. Another way his mom is different, is that she rides the Blue Bike around the neighborhood. This bike is another factor of what makes her so different. She, as a grown, married woman, drives around in an ancient bicycle, unlike the other parents , who drive.
James's mother dose not let her differences affect her, or her children. she just minds her own business, and urges her children to do the same. James's mother is a very strong woman, who might not fit perfectly in her community, but is sticking it through for her family.
A detail that stood out to me the most was the metaphor of Shiva. Shiva is the ritual of mourning in a Jewish household. When the mother's family sat Shiva for her, they did it to show that she was no longer part of the family because she married a non-Jewish person. The consequence for that "expulsion" was, in a way, a form of death.
A main detail that keeps being repeated is the fact that having a big family and a white mother can be a problem at times and annoying when he's with his friends.It symbolizes that being judged is his everyday life and being accepted is very important to him. This shows that James is very insecure about what other people's opinions towards him. That his mother can careless about what people think about her and she isn't afraid to show who she actually is. Being accepted to her isn't important at all. But to James it's very important. He isn't understood which leads him to being so insecure because he doesn't want his friends to get the wrong idea about him.
I agree with Emmete. the fact that the mom is white realy stood out. To have one parent who is of a different skin colour must be tough. also the fact that she wouldn't admit to it must have been even harder. i dissagree somewhat, I think the mom doesn't want to accept that she is white and harboring black children. especialy in segragated times. living like this would hurt a white persones self esteem to have that life stile. especialy scince the children's father doesn't spend much time with them.
In these two chapters, the narrator has said that he never really knew much of his white mother's past until he was an adult. The detail i chose was from chapter two when the narrator was beginning to ride the school bus. After a few weeks of riding the school bus, the terror of going to school eased. One afternoon as the narrator and his mother were walking home, he asked his mother why didn't she look the other mothers. Her response was that she wasn't them. He then asked why didn't she look like him or Rodney or Pete's mother, she replied that she did like him because she is his mother. This detail symbolizes that the narrator's mother "had been down that road before" with dealing with her difference from others. This information reveals that the narrator and his mother had a complicated relationship at first because she had to tell her child that the difference in their skin didn't matter. The information also shows the narrator's mother's struggle to tell him not to care what people say or think.
I agree with many of the people before me, in saying that a very significant and complicated part of his relationship with his mother had a lot to do with race. He realized that she was different, and that she had a different skin color when he went to school. He saw that she looked different than other mothers, and of course as a young child it would make him confused and curious. He asked his mother about this and she simply told him that she was not the other children's mother.
He talked a lot about how his mother was different, in many ways. How his family was different. As a child he was at first confused and then embarrassed , when he was older.
The repeated detail that stood out was the mother's diffrence in race and power.
What brought out this detail was the mother's blue bicycle. As she rode the bicycle she would not pay attention to the dirty looks given so her or the segregated line that drew her from te others.
In a way that bike resembled how she was excluded from the communtiy. The lack of respect given to her was from the insecurities of the balck community. Knowing the history of white supremacy and segreation probally influenced the blacks reaction.
A reapted detail in the first two chapters is that the mother is white and him and his siblings aren't. Even though he didn't know for sure he just knew that him and his mom have different skin colors. I think this symbolizes how there family is unique and how his relationship with his mother might go.
A detail that repeats a couple of times in the beginning chapters that stands out to me is that the main character is black and his mom is white. Whenever the bus was leaving the main character's mom would be behind all the other parents. One day after kindergarden the main character realized the difference between his moms skin color and all his other friends skin colors. This detail symbolizes separation and difference. The difference of parents skin color and the fact that she stood behind all the parents when the bus left. Some information that this reveals about the mother is that she doesn't care for difference in skin color. This is telling the reader that she doesn't think that she is better than black parents. This reveals about the narrator that he is curious about the difference and as most black children were in the time of segregation wondering why certain people couldn't be with or play with other people.
I was really taken aback by the description given by his mother about her mothers limp.It not only left me distraught but made me think about the extensive disabilities cast over europe as a result of WW2 and made me question what had caused her paralyzation.
In these chapters, the narrator really talks about the mothers skin color and that is a detail that is often repeated in the text. the narrator talks about how his mother is a light skinned person living in an all black neighborhood.
I thought that the author talked very much about race and how he and his siblings were ashamed by having a white mother in an all black neighborhood. I also agree with Jake that the author talks alot about mis mother's bicycle. this is an extremely deep book. i also like the fact that there are 2 stories, the mother and James McBride.
The detail i chose was that his mother, a single mother, has 12 children and finds a way to support them all. She is white and lives in a mostly black neighborhood. He often points out her skin color, in a good way, and is kinda proud of it. In many other cases this could be awkward.
A detail that stood out to me was the fact that their mother was different from everyone else in the family. She is a different person from everyone else in the community. Although they are family they are separated by the color of their skin.
The mother of this story gives a huge impact on how the james thinks of life and the world. The mother represents his diffrence like the bicycle. The bicycle represents how she feels the world is on her. The mother is also the protecter of James. She feeds him she also keeps him safe.
This is what is represented to james. without the mother, James would be an empty shell
The Bicycle chapter is cool. Its kinda funny to read the passage where the mother is riding her bike with 12 black kids running crazily around her
A detail that stood out to me was the fact that the mother was white. In the community, she stands out. She can be recongnized by her white face walking down the street. She stands out because she lives in a mostly black neighborhood. While riding her odd bike; car drivers stop to look at her strange bike and her white face.
this is karina
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