Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Love Essay Revision Tips

Love Essay Revision Tips:

  • Thesis fills in this statement: “To be in love in A Midsummer Night’s Dream means ___________.” Your argument needs to argue what the nature of love is. To say, for example, love is complicated, doesn’t specifically enough tell the reader what love is. In their first drafts, for example, a few classmates wrote that love in the play was a kind of blindness. This clearly states what the nature of love is in the play. Love means to stumble in the dark. Love turns everyone into amateurs
  • Quotes need to make sense in the context of your paragraph. To simply insert a quote doesn’t explain its purpose to the reader. Here is an example of how a quote is successfully incorporated. “Early in the play, Lysander talks about the difficulty of love when he states that “the course of true love never did run smooth” (1.1. 132-140).
  • Be sure to follow up quotes with analysis. For example, if you include the quote where Hermia recognizes Lysander from his voice though she cannot see him, follow it up with the many ways that this line symbolizes a blindness. She literally cannot see him, but also can’t see that he has fallen out of love for her and left her behind.
  • Remember to write the play in title case, written either in quotes or in italics. Remember also that “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” is not a book but a play
  • See http://web.presby.edu/writingcenter/guides/eng1.html for complete MLA format for Shakespeare

Homework -- Finishing Up Year

Hello Everyone-

As we get ready to head to West Virginia, I wanted to let you know about the remaining work for the year. The following is a list of assignments and due dates from now until early June.

Triplets - 7th and 8th Grade

Thursday, 5/20
- "Midsummer Performance

Friday, 5/20 or Saturday, 5/21
- Revised Love Essay emailed by Friday at 4 (please don't send attachment but paste essay into an email to tgrattan@manhattancountryschool.org)
- Hard copies can be handed in on the bus on Saturday

8th Grade

Thursday, 6/3
- Portfolio due (2 pieces)
- Wordly Wise 6-10 Test

7th Grade

Week of 6/1-6/4
- Have electronic copies of all portfolio pieces emailed or with you via a flash drive

Friday, 6/4
- Wordly Wise 6-10 Test

Monday, 6/7
- Final Portfolio Due (4 pieces, see guidelines)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Final Autobiography Reminders!!

Dear 7th Grade!

By now you're finishing up your final autobiographies. Congratulations! Here is a reminder of all of the pieces you'll need in your final book:

Chapters, Etc... (Revised and Carefully Proofread)
1. Family
2. Hobbies and Passions
3. Who Am I?
4. A Day in the Life
5. Lesson Learned
6. 20 Years From Now
7. Free Choice #1
8. Free Choice #2
9. Free Choice #3
10. Final Personal Action Poem (Typed)
11. Six Word Memoir
12. Spanish Identity Poem and Translation

Layout and Organization
1. Cover
2. Table of Contents
3. Photo/Art Pages
4. Tabs (Optional)

For Monday:
1. Print out a copy of the chapter you are reading. I recommend that you print out a copy in a larger font (16 point or so)
2. Practice reading your chapter out loud at least 5 times
3 Arrive at school On Time!!

Yeah, 7th Grade!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Homework for Week of 5/10


Tuesday, 5/11
- Fill in the blank: "Sonny's Blues" is a story about ______________.
- Find 2 quotes that support your thinking

Thursday, 5/13
- Read "The Weary Blues" and answer blog post
- Bring "Midsummer" Scene Material to Class!!

7th and 8th Grade Writing

Friday, 5/14
- Wordly Wise 10

7th Grade Writing
- Bring all Autobiography Materials on Wednesday and Friday. Final Autobiographies must be completed and left at school on Friday!

The Weary Blues Post

Read "The Weary Blues" by Langston Hughes. How does it connect to "Sonny's Blues"? What lines or phrases connect to the Baldwin story in terms of theme, tone or symbol?


Monday, May 3, 2010

Autobiography Deadlines--New and Improved

Below are the final due dates, etc for the amazing autobiographies! Yeah, 7th Grade!

Wednesday, 5/5
- All Book Materials Due
- 6 Word Memoir Draft 1 (at least 3 different ones)
- "Who Am I?" Rewrite

Friday, 5/7
- 20 Years From Now
- Top 2 Chapter Choices for the Autobiography Share

Monday, 5/10
- Free Choice 3 Revised

Friday, 5/14
- Autobiographies Completed!

"Sonny's Blues" Blog Post

In the final scene of "Sonny's Blues," as he watches his brother perform, the narrator seems to go through some sort of transformation. What is this transformation? What moments and/or quotes from the story's final scene best illustrate this transformation for you? Why?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Midsummer Performance Project and Groups

Here are your assignments for the performance project (based on the choices you gave me last week). Those of you who did not submit your 3 choices last week, need to discuss this with me ASAP.

Act 1

1.1 67-91 -- Itai

1.1 232-256 – Rehana

1.1 183-212 – Thamyr and Maite

Act 2

2.1 1-33 – Pablo and Karina

2.1 44-60 – Quitze

2.1 81-120 – Summer-Grace

2.2 94-108 – Eleanor

2.2 118-163 – Louisa, Vaughn and Kai

Act 3

3.1 139-167 – Djuna and Kelsey

3.1 375-394 -- Nicholas

3.2 6-19 Ari

3.2 60-89 – Brianna and Hanna

3.2 90-130 – James and Emmett

3.2 290-320 – Anja and Claudia

3.2 375-398 -- Kwame

Act 4

4.1 47-76 – Ian

4.1 167-183 – Emma

4.1 210-229 -- KJ

Act 5

5.1 164-218 – Katherina, Brandon, Nico

5.1 341-402 – Ana, Mayo, Isaac

5.1 428-455 – Kira and Janet

5.1 440-55 – Jack

No Scene or Monologue

Itai, Brittney