Thursday, February 26, 2009

"Color of Water" Chapter 10

On page 95, McBride writes that "the question of race was like the power of the moon in my family." What does he mean?


Ife said...

This is great analogy made by the late father of James McBride. The power of the moon is unknown to the young family he raised, which was the same with race, Clearly if he cared whether or not he was with his black friends he wouldn't have married Ruth. Race was not acknowledged because of the diversity of skin tones and the unlikelihood of an answer.

bartstile15 said...

This quote is extremely strong. i think that the power of the moon is related to everything unknown to the family. race was also unknown to their family.

eminem said...

he means that the question of race controlled everything. he said and i quote. "its made the river flow, the ocean swell, and the tide rise. he is trying to say that the question of race is important to him and his family. its an important topic to bring up. what is race? how do you define it? what does race mean to you. in class we talked about this stuff. i think that race isn't just your skin color. or where your from. its more of who you are as a person. i think that is what mcbride is trying to say. thats what james mom is trying to put through to her children.

englishkid said...

when james says this I think he is refering to the mindset it puts his household in. it is a silent force that their mood like the moon and the tide. the mother is like the out going tide that keeps people organised and race out of their lives. the children are the in going tide that asks the questions and presses for information.

katherina said...

I agree with Ife and emmet this shows that love that James dad had for his mother was very strong even though she was white. I also think that he meant that to his family it didnt matter what color or ethnicity they were they still loved each other. I think that is what kept their family together and strong end together.

Rodrigo9112 said...

I think this quote means that race was important for the McBrides but yet unknown and undiscovered. James thought he was black but having a white mother confused him. THis quote basically means that he thought he was black but having a white mother didn:t make him black. It means that since the power of the moon is unknown so was there race. Ruth )Jame:s mother didn:t like talking about her heritage/ancestry so James didn:t know his mom:s (and half of his) background.

Adin Levy said...

I think that this means that the question of race within his family was what brought them together and also what tore them apart. The meaning of race in society was so powerful and revolutionary to James's siblings that it became a significant part of their lives. Since so much about race and civil rights was going on in the country, they were starving for as much information as they could get. The family was trying to find their true identities. Since James was younger but also wanted to learn about what his older siblings were so frantic about, he went to his mother to try and get some answers. I don't think the mother gave him the exact answers he wanted but i think that she gave him a new realization of a more peaceful way to think about things opposed to him siblings "revolution." Race was the power of the moon in his family because of the questions of who they really were and where his family stood in society.

Zoya said...

This is a fabulous metaphor because it means that race was like the moon for the family. The moon is always there, even if we cant see it when the sun comes out, so was the question of race for the McBride clan. Race was always important to the whole family, it was what kept them apart from society. But at the same time the children were accepted into society because of their skin color. It was the reason behind most of their decisions, it led them through life and it made them different. There is nothing you can do to stop the moon from showing up at night, there was nothing the McBride family could do to stop race from being a large part of their lives.

Julian Rivera said...

The power of the moon is able to list water (high tide and low tide)
This means that his family's race is very powerful, just like the moons'
Because they both have African-American and white in thy they are able to do more then an average family.
They make each other stronger.

Unknown said...

I strongly agree with Rodrigo, Adin, and Zoya. They both brought up very important points.The idea that to the family religion was like the power of the moon it showed how religion was very crucial to the family like the moon to the earth, but it wasn't always on the minds of the people in the family similarly to how when the moon isn't the source of light people aren't usually thinking about it.

I also agree with a point brought en up about how like the moon, religion in this family is very unknown.

Sara Galeano said...

I think what McBride meant was that as a kid growing up, he felt that his family history or the difference between his mother and him was confusing or mysterious. This quote "the question of race was like the power of the moon in my family," seems like McBride is comparing his family and the moon because the dark side of the moon is unknown. I say this because growing up is basically finding out who are and where you fit in the world, James and siblings found it even harder because they didn't know what to call themselves. Some of James's siblings just proclaimed they were solely black because of their confusion. But, race was just barely recognized with knowing that an answer would never be said hidden under shame.

Noah said...

The quote explains the power of race in the McBride family. I think it means that race could bring up tension and a feeling of being un-easy without anyone knowing it was causing this. It brings up tension between Ruth, James and all of his brothers and sisters. But as it could cause tension, it could also be non existent. Although their mother is white, and her children are "black" there is still a great relationship between them. Race in the McBride family is an unknown power which can be in act or could be silent.

Lucas said...

This quote meant many different things. It meant that the question of race was forever present in their family and that it was had great influnce in the thoughts of actions of the children. The question of race molded some of the children to be supporters of the civil rights movement or enthusiastic followers of the black power movement and Malcolm X. This quote also meant that the question of race was always there and because of that, it became something the whole family was used to and was never thought of as a big deal. the quote also meant that no matter what happened, the question of race would always exist, looming over their lives.

kabanzzz said...

To the McBride family, race is a mystery as is the power of the moon. James questions his race and what he identifies himself as. For example, he is unsure about how he should feel towards black power because he still does not know what he is. His mother is also a myster to him and his family. He is unsure of her background or her ethnicity. Whenever she is questioned about her race she says that she is the same as anyone else and quickly changes the topic. I strongly agree with Lucas that race is like the power of the moon which hangs above them and it never goes away. No matter how hard you try to ignore it, it is always there.

kabanzzz said...

this is karina

PETER V. said...

the powere of the moon is the overarching idea that afects eveyone, if not deliberetly, then sedimentaly. it is always there if they want it or not and then tend to base there lives around it. this is the power of the MOON, because it is not present physicly but unconciously, like how the moon is not the greatest power, as it comes second to the sun. the moon is uncounsiously one of the stronger forces in you life. it is unapreaciatedd as the sun around just as long as the moon, but we do not think of the moon as such a great power as the sun.the power of the sun might be a topic that would afect them just as much ecsept, the would always think about it, unlike the moon the lingers in the back of your mind.
race is always afecting him, if he realises it or not so is thus the power of the moon

S H Y guy N101 said...

The moon is very powerful because it controls high tides and low tides. James' family is powerful too because they are a mix of African American and white. They very similar because I think that high tide is a symbol of Ruth because she has a little more freedom in life and low tide is a symbol for James. It is a symbol for James because he is not treated very nicely and doesnt have as much freedom as his mom.

J dog said...

I agree with emmett, i think race controls everything. He says "its made the river flow, the ocean swell, and the tide rise," This shows some of the things that race controls. He also says race is "indomitable." I think another word he could have used was indestructible.

matt said...

When James McBride says this, he means that, like the moon, the question of race had power in his family. The moon is one of the objects, along with the sun, that makes drastic changes on earth. The moon moves tides with it's gravitational pull and also shows as somewhat of a beacon at night. I think that race played the same roll in James McBride's childhood household because race, like the moon, kept him and his siblings asking and questioning.

Thamyr.D said...

I agree with Emmett and Ife. It shows how much james father loved his mother even though they had different color skin and it was not "right" for them to be in love. I also agree with rodrigo about race was important but unknown. As a child James was confused that him and his mther had different skin color and she was different from the other parents and stood out.

erika said...

When James says this, he means to compare what he does not know about his race to what people do not know about the powers of the moon. Race was a mystery in his family as the moon's power is a mystery to the world.

sophie said...

When James says this, what he means is that the issue and question of race is powerful and influential in his household. It influences the childrens' thoughts about themselves and their mother. Essentially, the question of race is part of what makes James' family tick. It also means that it can't be altered, just like the power of the moon cannot be changed. It is brutal realitity that cannot be separated. The moon also causes highs and lows with the oceans' tides. This could be a metaphor that the question of race causes both highs and lows in James' family life. It has both a positive and a negative effect.

MaiteCaballero said...

This quote means so much, because in actuality, the moon has a lot of power. It can sway the oceans, and it causes the tides to rise. This quote means that the “question of race” possesses the same, or similar characteristics or powers. Race has lots of power in the McBride family, and some of James’ siblings abuse it. James is still confused about where he stands wit the question of race, because he is torn between his white mother, and the black power uprisings. He feels as if the black side in him is stronger than the white part of him, and he notices the way his siblings embrace the black part more than the white side of themselves. But Ruth is white, and as James had said, the people where against whites, and they would kill mommy. He is reluctant to pick a side, and is still trying to figure himself out, before he goes and steps out into the world. But James has to hurry, because, black power is rising up, and fast.

♥ fashionG33K ♥ said...

Race in Jame's family; especially for the mother, was not an issue because she did not belive in it. She belived in education and she uses that to rank people. This tells that she is colorblind but only sees the value you have as a person and what you know.
-Emma ♥ -

Kelsey Barbosa said...

This quote is stating that race has always been a main symbol to there family. That it's a hidden aspect to them. The moon is a metaphor, because a moon isn't always showing, you don't always see it. It's hidden by buildings and cloud and to the family race is hidden by Ruth not discussing race with her children. Race to this family is like a moon hidden away, to show that no matter your color you can be with what ever race, and be accepted. If race wasn't hidden in this family it would be awkward between the mother and the children, so her keeping it a secret might be best until there older.

djuna mks said...

Race plays a very large part in their lives, like the power of the moon plays a large part in the earth's.
Race controls a lot in their house; it does so with out many people knowing. It is a silent and invisible force, but a very strong force as well.
Race is such a big part of everyones life in the Mcbride family. Every child has their own struggles around race, and race really effects them.
This was a very strong connection that James made about the force of race, and the force of the moon.

Unknown said...

McBride means that race was an unknwon in his family. They did not really understand where their mom was from and why she was white. Just like humans don't fully understand the power that the moon has.We know what the moon is and where it is, but we don't fully understand all of it's complexities. Jame's and all his brother's and sister's are yet to learn about their mom and why she is white and they are not.

Unknown said...

Btw, Najha = Darren

Janet.O said...

in chapter 10 James battles with choosing an identity and is increasingly aware of race and black power. he questions his mother's past and her morals and choices while also questioning whether he was black or white.he presses his mother to answer questions in order to answer his own about identity and background.

in chapter 10 James says "the question of race was like the power of the moon in my family." i think that he is saying that even though the moon, like race, was always going to be there, thriving and existing, but sometimes it wasn't always visible. later on in this paragraph it explains that even when the sun is out the moon is still there, but no one can see it due to the overpowering light from the sun. while race, sometimes played a minor character in life due to the overshadowing from other conflicts and problems. I also agree with Emmett when he says that the this quote overall means that race controls everything, and in many ways Emmett is right. Race did controls many views and opinions.

austen said...

Race was a very big thing in the Mcbride household. You see the proudness of his siblings of their race and the slight insecurity of the mother with race. This comment shows how race controlled everything.

Unknown said...

The moon is the source of light in the dark, an eerie sense of loneliness. As the children in the house get older, they look at race with greater importance. The siblings in the family split into two factions; the blacks children on one side and others on the other side. James is left in the middle; he is neither black nor white, he is a bi-racial person.
The moon is somewhat an obsolete feature of the natural world. In the story, the aspect of race is shadowed by the hectic pace of the family.

Unknown said...

This quote has different ways of interpretation. To me, when McBride says " race was like the power of the moon in my family," it means that race created change in the household. This change could either be good or bad. The moon controls water and tidal waves, ect. These things that the moon controls can be looked at as good or bad. A tsunami that kills many on islands would be bad, but a current that pushes certain marine animals back to their natural habitats would be seem as good. Same with race in the McBride family. Being both black and white can have it's ups and downs. The children could be called names and discriminated against. But the mother would have more privelages which she can share with her children.

Tyra said...

As the book continues James discovers that his difference in race is not going to make it any easier on him. To thepoint that he would rather just be one color then spending his whole life wondering what he is. While trying to discover his history. ( which ruth continues to hide during this chapter) The moon symbolizes independence and freedom. The moon is the light that guides ways through the dark. There family is searching for acceptance and change and that moonlight is whats leading them. That moonlight is what keeps the family powerful.
So that the question of race ends up being demolished and all thats left is the moonlight.

guitarherofingers said...

I think James Mcbride is saying that race possesses a lot of power and emotion to him and his family. It possesses the power of the moon just means that it possesses something that stays with him all day and night. He cannot get away from the idea of it and the prejudice he faces everywhere. This is why this is said in the school chapter. Not only does he face being discriminated against in school but at home he remembers too. His father is just saying that James is not alone and everyone in his family feels the same way same way as him. The interesting thing is so does his white mother. -Pablo

daniel said...

I strongly agree with adin, emilie, and zoya saying that the power of race was always a constant question but was at times hidden just as the moon was. The quote means that people do not wonder about race when it is not evident but it can be remembered as quickly as the light that the moon sheds. A few times in this chapter James feels very happy but in an instant he remembers the burden of race that his entire family must bare.

itai said...

I beleive he is saying that race is really important in his family but also mysterious. And thats why I think he referes to the moon because its very important but it is also very mysterious

Unknown said...

The moon pulls controls the tide. The tide can either be raging and strong, or calm and gentle. The tide's behavior depends on the moon. When the question of race is thought of in what Mommy considers to be a negative way, the tide is raging. When Mommy refers to the question of race in a positive way, the tide is calm and gentle.

eleanor mcgrath said...

The moon controls everything in nature; it makes everything happen. james is saying that race is the same in his household. he says that it makes the river flow,the ocean swell and the tide rise. race is symbolizing his house. he is saying that race is part of their life, it's like the sun rising and setting. without it life would seem weird.