Thursday, February 25, 2010

Curious Incident...Essay Test and Project

Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Test and Project

As part of your final project work on The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, there will be an in-class essay to be completed on Tuesday, 3/2. For this test, you will have the entire class to complete an essay about the book. You will be able to use the book as a reference, but it is recommended that you use post-its to mark important passages beforehand. You will be given the choice between two questions, answering one of them in detail. This essay should include:

  • A clear and detailed thesis
  • 3-4 supporting details
  • Analysis of each supporting detail
  • 1-2 direct quotes
  • a clear conclusion, wrapping up the major ideas presented in the essay

The second part of your final project will be a creative piece. This will be due on Tuesday, 3/9. Choose from one of the following projects:

  • Create an original piece of art entitled “Who is Christopher Boone?” It can be a collage, painting, sculpture, series of photographs, etc. This piece will be evaluated on its level of detail, creativity, care in execution and explanation. In addition to creating this piece of art, you must provide a 2-paragraph explanation and rationale for your piece. What was your inspiration in creating this piece? How did you come up with the idea and put it together? What are the important components of the piece
  • Create an original piece of writing (inspired by the in-class freewrite) about the idea of Christopher tackling a new place. In your freewrite you focused on Christopher dealing with an everyday activity—going to Times Square, using the subway. Write a creative piece from the perspective of Christopher engaging in an activity that to you is something you do without thinking. 2-3 pages typed and double-spaced.
  • Create an original piece of writing (inspired by the in-class freewrite) where you are an outsider interacting with Christopher. What might this outsider notice? How does Christopher interact and respond? How does this interaction make your narrator feel? What is confusing to them about Christopher? 2-3 pages typed and double-spaced.

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