Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Farm Activity Personal Essay

Farm Activity Personal Essay

Now that you’ve completed your freewrite about a particular activity at the farm that holds significance for you, think next about how to turn it into an essay. Your assignment is this: Focus on an activity at the farm that is meaningful to you. Describe that activity specifically and analyze what you’ve learned from taking part in this activity and what it says about you.

In terms of structure, think about the following pieces:

· A vivid introduction with an anecdote that catches the reader’s attention

· Description of a specific moment related to this activity. So for example, if you write about milking a cow, perhaps describe the first experience in depth.

· Analysis of the activity’s significance. What larger lessons has it taught you? What side of you does this activity bring out? What larger connections can you make?

First Draft Due Monday, 10/18

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