Thursday, November 5, 2009

1950's Day

1950’s Day

Monday, November 9th is 1950’s day!! Each of you will come to class as a character from the early years of that decade. You will create a short character biography, which you’ll share with the rest of your triplet. Additionally, you’ll need to create a costume that replicates how your character might have dressed in 1950. Use books and the internet as resources! Be creative and have fun!

Remember that all of the information you come up with needs to make sense for the late 1940’s and early 1950’s!

Character Bio
Each character bio needs to include the following:

• Your character’s name and age
• One paragraph describing how other people see you
• One paragraph describing a way you are misunderstood
• A list of five favorite (appropriate) words and catch phrases
• Three other favorites. Favorites can include songs, actors, activities, books, movies, fads, etc…

You can chose from any of the following personas, or come up with a persona of your choice. If you choose a persona not on this list, please talk with me about it first.

Persona Possibilities:

• The Stradlater
• The Jane
• The Holden
• The Sally
• The D.B.

Costume and Performance
You must be dressed in proper 1950’s attire for class. This does not mean going out and buying an entire outfit. It does mean that you should use the resources at home to come up with the most creative and authentic costume you are able to.

Once triplets begin, you must spend the entire time in character.

Project Grade
Grades for 1950’s day will be based on the following criteria:
• Creativity and detail in your character bio
• Costumes and props
• Performance during class

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