Monday, December 8, 2008

Homework for Week of 12/8


Tuesday, 12/9
-Read Chapter 4 in "Tales of the Greek Heroes"
- Post ONE fantastic discussion question on the blog

Thursday, 12/11
-Read Chapter 5-6 in "Tales of the Greek Heroes"
- Answer Blog Post
- Draft of Cronos/Rhea and their children section for the Greek God family tree

Monday, 12/15
- Chapters 7-8 in "Tales of Greek Heroes"
- Wordly Wise #5 Quiz

7th Grade, Grammar
- Parts of Speech Test, Wednesday 12/17


englishkid said...

why did Zues have need to destroy the human race and why did Hermes want to save them

Daffy said...

Why did Zeus and Hermes have to disguise themselves in the mortal world?


Najha said...

Do you think that Zeus controlled the destiny of mankind,and their exsistance or Prometheus?

Kid Kaos said...

Why did Zeus only check three houses and seem like mortals, when they could have looked at random strangers. Also, why did Zeus turn those men into wolves instead of just send them to rot in the underworld

Kid Kaos said...

btw this is kevin

J dog said...

Do you think Zues trusts the hereo age or does he trust promethus?